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Why program flow control executes randomly



I'm trying to learn math and Haskell at the same time by programming a simple math learning program.

It starts by:

  1. Generating random numbers.
  2. Filters those numbers to create an easy problem to work with.
  3. Display the question then take my answer
  4. Lastly, it hands both my answer and the correct answer to another function to give me feedback (a "Congratulations" --or-- "Sorry, the correct answer is BLANK).

For some reason, after the congratulations function ends, it seems to randomly choose where it goes next, either:

  1. It returns to main (which is what I expect it to do).
  2. Or at random loops it'll go immediately to the math testing function. When this happens, step 2 from above doesn't occur and I start getting fractional numbers in the question. Then it may repeat this step or go back to main.

When trying to debug the problem I would just keep hitting RETURN and it would occur at different times. I've also added some debug 'print' statements.

Here's 3 functions from the program. Note that main calls funPercentOfNumberToAnother:

funPercentOfNumberToAnother :: IO ()
funPercentOfNumberToAnother = do
    (percentDec, percentStr) <- getPercent
    ofNum <- getDecimal (200 :: Decimal)
    let isNum = percentDec * ofNum
    if uglyAnswers ([ofNum, isNum], [percentDec])
        then do
            putStrLn ("ofNum: " ++ show ofNum)
            putStrLn ("isNum: " ++ show isNum)
            putStrLn "___________________________"
        else do
            putStrLn ("ofNum: " ++ show ofNum)
            putStrLn ("isNum: " ++ show isNum)
            putStrLn "Percents"
    -- putStrLn "\n\n"
    putStrLn (show isNum ++ " is what percent of " ++ show ofNum ++ "?\n" )
    putStr "> "
    ans <- getLine
    submitStringAnswer (ans, percentStr ++ "%")

submitStringAnswer :: (String, String) -> IO ()
submitStringAnswer (myAns, correctAns) = do
    if myAns == correctAns
        then putStrLn "Congratz!"
        else do
            putStrLn ("Sorry the correct answer is: " ++ show correctAns)

pause :: IO ()
pause = do
    x <- getLine
    putStrLn ""

Here's my debug output. Notice that The only time it gives fractional numbers is after it doesn't return to main immediately after pause ends.

     __  __       _   _                          _   _         
    |  \/  | __ _| |_| |__   ___ _ __ ___   __ _| |_(_) ___ ___ 
    | |\/| |/ _` | __| '_ \ / _ \ '_ ` _ \ / _` | __| |/ __/ __|
    | |  | | (_| | |_| | | |  __/ | | | | | (_| | |_| | (__\__ 
    |_|  |_|\__,_|\__|_| |_|\___|_| |_| |_|\__,_|\__|_|\___|___/

1.) Learn Math
2.) Math Lookup
3.) Quit Excolo

ofNum: 35
isNum: 15.75
ofNum: 120
isNum: 102
102 is what percent of 120?

Sorry the correct answer is: "85%"

15.75 is what percent of 35?

Sorry the correct answer is: "45%"

     __  __       _   _                          _   _         
    |  \/  | __ _| |_| |__   ___ _ __ ___   __ _| |_(_) ___ ___ 
    | |\/| |/ _` | __| '_ \ / _ \ '_ ` _ \ / _` | __| |/ __/ __|
    | |  | | (_| | |_| | | |  __/ | | | | | (_| | |_| | (__\__ 
    |_|  |_|\__,_|\__|_| |_|\___|_| |_| |_|\__,_|\__|_|\___|___/

1.) Learn Math
2.) Math Lookup
3.) Quit Excolo

ofNum: 80
isNum: 44
44 is what percent of 80?

Sorry the correct answer is: "55%"

     __  __       _   _                          _   _         
    |  \/  | __ _| |_| |__   ___ _ __ ___   __ _| |_(_) ___ ___ 
    | |\/| |/ _` | __| '_ \ / _ \ '_ ` _ \ / _` | __| |/ __/ __|
    | |  | | (_| | |_| | | |  __/ | | | | | (_| | |_| | (__\__ 
    |_|  |_|\__,_|\__|_| |_|\___|_| |_| |_|\__,_|\__|_|\___|___/

1.) Learn Math
2.) Math Lookup
3.) Quit Excolo

ofNum: 15
isNum: 2.25
ofNum: 60
isNum: 0.6
ofNum: 40
isNum: 30
30 is what percent of 40?

Sorry the correct answer is: "75%"

0.6 is what percent of 60?

Sorry the correct answer is: "1%"

2.25 is what percent of 15?

Sorry the correct answer is: "15%"

If it helps, the only thing that is remotely relevant that I've found so far is: Second of several forked processes does not run in Haskell .

Lastly, I'm right at the entry level of Monads if that helps formulate your answer.

I would appreciate any help anyone can give as to what's happening, id est, why it's not returning straight to main after pause ends, and why would it skip the fractional number filter.

Thanks ^^

like image 500
kit Avatar asked Aug 23 '17 21:08


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1 Answers

In funPercentOfNumberToAnother, you have this clause:

if uglyAnswers ([ofNum, isNum], [percentDec])
    then do
        putStrLn ("ofNum: " ++ show ofNum)
        putStrLn ("isNum: " ++ show isNum)
        putStrLn "___________________________"
    else do
        putStrLn ("ofNum: " ++ show ofNum)
        putStrLn ("isNum: " ++ show isNum)
        putStrLn "Percents"

Your intent is to go back to the beginning of the function and start over, if the numbers are ugly; or otherwise continue with showing the numbers to the user. That works as far as it goes, but ask yourself...what happens at the end of this if clause? The stuff that is not in either the then or else branch is executed regardless, once either the then or else is done executing.

So, when you get some ugly numbers, you start a recursive call that looks for better numbers and displays them. Then when that recursive call is finished, you go on to show the user the original, ugly numbers anyway!

You will need a different control flow here, such as writing a function that always returns a non-ugly number, and then just using that in your (now non-recursive) funPercentOfNumberToAnother function. Or you could pull the rest of the function's body, the part that shows the numbers to the user, into the else part of the if, so that you don't do it for numbers that are ugly.

like image 156
amalloy Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 22:10
