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Why no windowed functions in where clauses?

Title says it all, why can't I use a windowed function in a where clause in SQL Server?

This query makes perfect sense:

select id, sales_person_id, product_type, product_id, sale_amount from Sales_Log where 1 = row_number() over(partition by sales_person_id, product_type, product_id order by sale_amount desc) 

But it doesn't work. Is there a better way than a CTE/Subquery?


For what its worth this is the query with a CTE:

with Best_Sales as (     select id, sales_person_id, product_type, product_id, sale_amount, row_number() over (partition by sales_person_id, product_type, product_id order by sales_amount desc) rank     from Sales_log ) select id, sales_person_id, product_type, product_id, sale_amount from Best_Sales where rank = 1 


+1 for the answers showing with a subquery, but really I'm looking for the reasoning behind not being able to use windowing functions in where clauses.

like image 252
Chris Pfohl Avatar asked Dec 21 '12 21:12

Chris Pfohl

People also ask

Can we use window function in case statement?

If the query executes, the window function supports the CASE Expression . While it is possible to use the CASE Expression in the PARTITION BY clause, I've rarely used it on projects.

Where is window function used?

Window functions operate on a set of rows and return a single aggregated value for each row. The term Window describes the set of rows in the database on which the function will operate. We define the Window (set of rows on which functions operates) using an OVER() clause.

Can we use windowing function without partition by and ORDER BY clause?

You can only use window functions in the SELECT list and ORDER BY clauses of a query.

Can we use Dense_rank in where clause?

You can use it in the column list of the select or in the order by clause. If you want to reference it in the where clause, then you will need to use a derived table or a CTE.

1 Answers

why can't I use a windowed function in a where clause in SQL Server?

One answer, though not particularly informative, is because the spec says that you can't.

See the article by Itzik Ben Gan - Logical Query Processing: What It Is And What It Means to You and in particular the image here. Window functions are evaluated at the time of the SELECT on the result set remaining after all the WHERE/JOIN/GROUP BY/HAVING clauses have been dealt with (step 5.1).

really I'm looking for the reasoning behind not being able to use windowing functions in where clauses.

The reason that they are not allowed in the WHERE clause is that it would create ambiguity. Stealing Itzik Ben Gan's example from High-Performance T-SQL Using Window Functions (p.25)

Suppose your table was

CREATE TABLE T1 ( col1 CHAR(1) PRIMARY KEY )  INSERT INTO T1 VALUES('A'),('B'),('C'),('D'),('E'),('F') 

And your query

SELECT col1 FROM T1 WHERE ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY col1) <= 3 AND col1 > 'B' 

What would be the right result? Would you expect that the col1 > 'B' predicate ran before or after the row numbering?

like image 151
Martin Smith Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 08:09

Martin Smith