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What is the meaning of SELECT ... FOR XML PATH(' '),1,1)?




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What does for XML Path do?

We can use FOR XML PATH to prepare a comma-separated string from the existing data. Let's create an Authors table and insert a few records into it. In the data, we can see we have an ID column and the AuthorName column.

What is stuff for XML Path in SQL Server?

We can use XmlPath('') to concatenate column data into single row. Stuff is used to remove the first ‘,’ after string concatenation.

How does XML Path work in SQL?

The Path mode with FOR XML in SQL Server returns a result set as the XML element. Unlike other XML modes, this SQL FOR XML PATH mode provides control over the generated XML file. It is because FOR XML path mode treats column names and alias names as the XPath expression.

There's no real technique to learn here. It's just a cute trick to concatenate multiple rows of data into a single string. It's more a quirky use of a feature than an intended use of the XML formatting feature.

SELECT ',' + ColumnName ... FOR XML PATH('')

generates a set of comma separated values, based on combining multiple rows of data from the ColumnName column. It will produce a value like ,abc,def,ghi,jkl.


Is then used to remove the leading comma that the previous trick generated, see STUFF for details about its parameters.

(Strangely, a lot of people tend to refer to this method of generating a comma separated set of values as "the STUFF method" despite the STUFF only being responsible for a final bit of trimming)

SQL you were referencing is used for string concatenation in MSSQL.

It concatenates rows by prepending , using for xml path to result ,a,b,c,d. Then using stuff it replaces first , for , thus removing it.

The ('') in for xml path is used to remove wrapper node, that is being automatically created. Otherwise it would look like <row>,a,b,c,d</row>.

  select ',' + CAST(t2.Value as varchar(10)) from #t t2 where t1.id = t2.id 
  for xml path('')
,1,1,'') as Value
  • more on stuff
  • more on for xml path