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Why isn't this function type-annotated correctly (error: Missing type parameters for generic type)?

Is this function type-annotated correctly?

import subprocess
from os import PathLike
from typing import Union, Sequence, Any

def run(shell_command: Union[bytes, str, Sequence[Union[bytes, str, PathLike]]], **subprocess_run_kwargs: Any) -> int:
    return subprocess.run(shell_command, check=True, shell=True, **subprocess_run_kwargs).returncode

I'm guessing it's not, because I'm getting:

he\other.py:6: error: Missing type parameters for generic type

To get the same error, then save the above code in other.py, and then:

$ pip install mypy

$ mypy --strict other.py
like image 598
Laurențiu Andronache Avatar asked Mar 09 '19 11:03

Laurențiu Andronache

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2 Answers

As described in sanyash's answer, os.PathLike is defined as a generic type. You can look at the stub in the typeshed repo. However, os.PathLike is only generic in the stub file, the implementation importable from os is not.

Not specifying the type var parameter (path: PathLike) leads to a mypy error. Specifying the type var parameter (path: PathLike[Any]) leads to a Python interpreter (runtime) error.

This exact issue has been raised in the mypy repo as #5667. As a result PR #5833 extends the mypy documentation:

  • https://mypy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/runtime_troubles.html#using-classes-that-are-generic-in-stubs-but-not-at-runtime

The added section points out three ways to handle this:

  1. Interpretation of the annotation by the Python interpreter (at runtime) can be disabled with a special from __future__ import annotations import, see here. This is planned to become the default in Python 3.10 and solves a bunch of annotation related issues.

    from __future__ import annotations
    from os import PathLike
    import subprocess
    from typing import Any, Sequence, Union
    def run(shell_command: Union[bytes, str, Sequence[Union[bytes, str, PathLike[Any]]]], **subprocess_run_kwargs: Any) -> int:
         return subprocess.run(shell_command, check=True, shell=True, **subprocess_run_kwargs).returncode
  2. Use typing.TYPE_CHECKING to supply different annotations depending on whether a type checker or the Python interpreter (runtime) interprets the file.

    from os import PathLike
    import subprocess
    from typing import Any, Sequence, TYPE_CHECKING, Union
        BasePathLike = PathLike[Any]
        BasePathLike = PathLike
    def run(shell_command: Union[bytes, str, Sequence[Union[bytes, str, BasePathLike]]], **subprocess_run_kwargs: Any) -> int:
        return subprocess.run(shell_command, check=True, shell=True, **subprocess_run_kwargs).returncode
  3. Supply the annotation as a string. The Python interpreter (runtime) will not interpret the annotation, but mypy picks up the proper meaning.

    import subprocess
    from typing import Any, Sequence, Union
    def run(shell_command: Union[bytes, str, Sequence[Union[bytes, str, 'PathLike[Any]']]], **subprocess_run_kwargs: Any) -> int:
        return subprocess.run(shell_command, check=True, shell=True, **subprocess_run_kwargs).returncode
like image 60
Seoester Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 17:10


PathLike is a generic type, so you need to use it with a type parameter (AnyStr for example):

import subprocess
from os import PathLike
from typing import Union, Sequence, Any, AnyStr

def run(shell_command: Union[bytes, str, Sequence[Union[bytes, str, PathLike[AnyStr]]]], **subprocess_run_kwargs: Any) -> int:
    return subprocess.run(shell_command, check=True, shell=True, **subprocess_run_kwargs).returncode

Related issues:

  • https://github.com/python/mypy/issues/6112
  • https://github.com/python/mypy/issues/6128


Sorry, I didn't check this code at runtime. With some tricks it is possible to write a workaround:

import subprocess
from os import PathLike as BasePathLike
from typing import Union, Sequence, Any, AnyStr, TYPE_CHECKING
import abc

    PathLike = BasePathLike
    class FakeGenericMeta(abc.ABCMeta):
        def __getitem__(self, item):
            return self

    class PathLike(BasePathLike, metaclass=FakeGenericMeta):

def run(shell_command: Union[bytes, str, Sequence[Union[bytes, str, PathLike[AnyStr]]]], **subprocess_run_kwargs: Any) -> int:
    return subprocess.run(shell_command, check=True, shell=True, **subprocess_run_kwargs).returncode

Issues related to this workaround:

  • mypy: how to define a generic subclass
  • https://github.com/python/mypy/issues/5264
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sanyassh Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 16:10
