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Why isn't there a font that contains all Unicode glyphs? [closed]




Pretty much as the title says. Rendering all of the unicode format correctly what with composite characters and characters that affect other characters and ligatures is really hard, I understand that. We have fonts that seem to be designed for maximum Unicode symbol support(Symbola, Code2001, others) and specialized fonts for certain planes or character ranges(BabelStone Han, others).

I don't know much about the underlying technical details for fonts. Is there a maximum size? Is it a copyright problem? Is essentially redrawing all ~110,000 extant glyphs too hard? I understand style concerns, but why not fall back to a 'default' font that had glyphs for everything? They're on unicode.org, redrawing them all would be pretty hard work but then you'd have a guaranteed fallback font for everything. If you got rights to some pre-existing fonts you could just composite them and that should help a lot. Such a font would be a great help to humanity and I can't see a good technical reason why it doesn't exist or at least an open-source effort to create it, so I presume an invisible-to-me reason why it can't be done.

What is that reason?

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Jeremy Kemball Avatar asked Jan 11 '16 22:01

Jeremy Kemball

People also ask

What is the most complete Unicode font?

The hands-down most comprehensive coverage would be Roman Czyborra's GNU Unicode Font project. It is intended to collect a complete and free 8×16/16×16 pixel Unicode font. It currently covers 34,445 characters (out of ~40,000+ defined characters).

Why do some Unicode characters not show up?

If you are unable to read some Unicode characters in your browser, it may be because your system is not properly configured. Here are some basic instructions for doing that. There are two basic steps: Install fonts that cover the characters you need.

How many Unicode fonts are there?

Comparison. A unicode CJK font with over 41,000 Han characters (hanzi, kanji, hanja), and over 53,000 unicode characters currently.

How do I know which fonts have glyphs?

The easy way to know what is in a font's character set is by viewing the software's glyph panel. For any font, begin by selecting the Entire Font option. From there, view the submenus, investigating categories of glyphs you might be interested in. (These categories closely mirror those in the OpenType panel.)

2 Answers

"Why would you even want that?" questions aside, from a programming perspective there's a very simple reason: the OpenType spec only affords an addressable glyph index space of one USHORT, so one font can only support 16 bits worth of glyphs identifiers, or 65,536 glyphs max. (And note the terminology: a "glyph" is not the same as a "character" or "letter")

The current version of Unicode, v8 as of this answer, contains 120,737 assigned code points, or almost twice as many as fit in a modern font (2021 edit: v13 upped this number to 143,859). In fact, Unicode hasn't been able to fit in a modern OpenType font since 2001, with the release of Unicode 3.1, which upped the number of code points from 49,259 to 94,205.

"So what about font collections?" I hear you ask. Why not use multiple fonts and support all unicode that way? Well now, you've just described Adobe's Sans Pro, and Google's Noto (which are the same font).

As for the "how hard can it be": a uniform style for all glyphs in Unicode, across 129 established written scripts on this planet, each with their own typesetting rules? Incredibly hard. You may think fonts are just files with pictures for letters, and someone types a letter, that picture shows up: that is not how fonts work, and isn't how fonts have worked since the late 1980's.

Modern fonts are the typographic equivalent of a game ROM: sure, it's not much use without the hardware or software to run that ROM on, but all the things that actually matter are in the ROM. Similarly, modern fonts contain all the information for typesetting. Not just pictures, they contain the metadata, the metrics, the positioning and substitutions rules for arbitrary sequences, with separate rule sets for each written script that OpenType supports, mandatory and optional ligatures, language-specific character replacements for letters at the start/middle/final position in a word, or in isolation, character repositioning relative to arbitarily complex sequences of other characters either before or after it, arbitrarily complex sequence replacements with other arbitrarily complex sequences, possible bitmap fallbacks for small-point rendering, hinting instructions on how to properly rasterize vector graphics that are inherently not aligned to any particular pixel grid, and more. A modern font is a ridiculously complex application, that a font engine consults to figure out how to typeset sequences of code points.

Making a (set of) Unicode-encompassing font(s) that looks good for all contexts is a vast team effort.

So: "Why isn't there a font that contains all Unicode glyphs?", because that's been technically impossible since 2001. We can, and do, make font families that cover all of Unicode, but with 129 different scripts all with their own typesetting rules, it's a lot of work, and almost (almost) not worth the effort compared to only covering a subset of all languages.

And as for this:

Such a font would be a great help to humanity and I can't see a good technical reason why it doesn't exist or at least an open-source effort to create it, so I presume an invisible-to-me reason why it can't be done.

Just because you didn't know about them, doesn't mean they don't exist, with millions of people who are familiar with them. They exist =)

They're even open source, go out and thank the people who made them!

like image 119
Mike 'Pomax' Kamermans Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 09:10

Mike 'Pomax' Kamermans

There is GNU Unifont. It aims to contain all Unicode, except Apple Emoji.

like image 23
user11003026 Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 09:10
