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why isn't Object.prototype === to myNewObj.prototype?

So if you look at this fiddle http://jsfiddle.net/r0k3t/z8f2N/1/ you can see that

var me = { fName: "ken", lName: "n" };

console.log(Object.prototype === Object.getPrototypeOf(me));

returns true. Why doesn't

console.log(Object.prototype === me.prototype);

Given that I created the "me" object as an object literal sure enough it's prototype should be Object.prototype and the first line would seem to confirm that.

like image 803
Kenn Avatar asked Dec 19 '12 15:12


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1 Answers

Object.prototype === me.constructor.prototype; // true

I let you guess now how getPrototypeOf works :-)

Also, the non-standard-yet-but-works-almost-everywhere solution (thanks jAndy):

Object.prototype === me.__proto__; // true
like image 98
Florian Margaine Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 21:09

Florian Margaine