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Calling base constructor - Javascript

There are 2 ways to call the parent constructor in the child.

var A = function A() {
  this.x = 123;

var B = function B() {

  // 1. call directly

  // 2. call from prototype

B.prototype = Object.create(A.prototype);
B.prototype.constructor = B;

Are there any situations when one would be safer/better than the other, or are they always equivalent?

like image 954
Ilia Choly Avatar asked Nov 07 '12 14:11

Ilia Choly

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1 Answers

It's always better to use the base constructor directly for the following reasons:

  1. It's faster. The interpreter doesn't need to access prototype.constructor.
  2. It's safer. Consider the program below.

A inherits from C, but I forgot to set A.prototype.constructor back to A. So it now points to C. This causes problems in the constructor B if we use the second method:

var C = function C() {
    // some code

var A = function A() {
  this.x = 123;

A.prototype = Object.create(C.prototype);
// I forgot to uncomment the next line:
// A.prototype.constructor = A;

var B = function B() {

  // 1. call directly

  // 2. call from prototype
  A.prototype.constructor.call(this); // A.prototype.constructor is C, not A

B.prototype = Object.create(A.prototype);
B.prototype.constructor = B;
like image 167
Aadit M Shah Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 16:11

Aadit M Shah