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Why is shared_ptr<void> legal, while unique_ptr<void> is ill-formed?

The question really fits in the title: I am curious to know what is the technical reason for this difference, but also the rationale ?

std::shared_ptr<void> sharedToVoid; // legal; std::unique_ptr<void> uniqueToVoid; // ill-formed; 
like image 499
Ad N Avatar asked Sep 02 '16 09:09

Ad N

People also ask

Why would you choose shared_ptr instead of unique_ptr?

Use unique_ptr when you want to have single ownership(Exclusive) of the resource. Only one unique_ptr can point to one resource. Since there can be one unique_ptr for single resource its not possible to copy one unique_ptr to another. A shared_ptr is a container for raw pointers.

Can you convert shared_ptr to unique_ptr?

In short, you can easily and efficiently convert a std::unique_ptr to std::shared_ptr but you cannot convert std::shared_ptr to std::unique_ptr .

Why I should not use shared_ptr?

You can't use shared_ptr everywhere without thinking (in contrast, you can use GC-managed references for everything), because then you'll be dumbfounded when you inevitable create cyclic references. When you program C++, you have to think about ownership. There's just no way around it.

What happens when unique_ptr goes out of scope?

An​ unique_ptr has exclusive ownership of the object it points to and ​will destroy the object when the pointer goes out of scope.

1 Answers

It is because std::shared_ptr implements type-erasure, while std::unique_ptr does not.

Since std::shared_ptr implements type-erasure, it also supports another interesting property, viz. it does not need the type of the deleter as template type argument to the class template. Look at their declarations:

template<class T,class Deleter = std::default_delete<T> >  class unique_ptr; 

which has Deleter as type parameter, while

template<class T>  class shared_ptr; 

does not have it.

So, why does shared_ptr implement type-erasure?

Well, it does so, because it has to support reference-counting, and to support this, it has to allocate memory from heap and since it has to allocate memory anyway, it goes one step further and implements type-erasure — which needs heap allocation too. So basically it is just being opportunist!

Because of type-erasure, std::shared_ptr is able to support two things:

  • It can store objects of any type as void*, yet it is still able to delete the objects on destruction properly by correctly invoking their destructor.
  • The type of deleter is not passed as type argument to the class template, which means a little bit freedom without compromising type-safety.

Alright. That is all about how std::shared_ptr works.

Now the question is, can std::unique_ptr store objects as void*? Well, the answer is, yes — provided you pass a suitable deleter as argument. Here is one such demonstration:

int main() {     auto deleter = [](void const * data ) {         int const * p = static_cast<int const*>(data);         std::cout << *p << " located at " << p <<  " is being deleted";         delete p;     };          std::unique_ptr<void, decltype(deleter)> p(new int(959), deleter);      } //p will be deleted here, both p ;-) 

Output (online demo):

959 located at 0x18aec20 is being deleted 

You asked a very interesting question in the comment:

In my case I will need a type erasing deleter, but it seems possible as well (at the cost of some heap allocation). Basically, does this mean there is actually a niche spot for a 3rd type of smart pointer: an exclusive ownership smart pointer with type erasure.

to which @Steve Jessop suggested the following solution,

I've never actually tried this, but maybe you could achieve that by using an appropriate std::function as the deleter type with unique_ptr? Supposing that actually works then you're done, exclusive ownership and a type-erased deleter.

Following this suggestion, I implemented this (though it does not make use of std::function as it does not seem necessary):

using unique_void_ptr = std::unique_ptr<void, void(*)(void const*)>;  template<typename T> auto unique_void(T * ptr) -> unique_void_ptr {     return unique_void_ptr(ptr, [](void const * data) {          T const * p = static_cast<T const*>(data);          std::cout << "{" << *p << "} located at [" << p <<  "] is being deleted.\n";          delete p;     }); }  int main() {     auto p1 = unique_void(new int(959));     auto p2 = unique_void(new double(595.5));     auto p3 = unique_void(new std::string("Hello World")); }   

Output (online demo):

{Hello World} located at [0x2364c60] is being deleted. {595.5} located at [0x2364c40] is being deleted. {959} located at [0x2364c20] is being deleted. 

Hope that helps.

like image 65
Nawaz Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 01:10
