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Why is reduce faster than sum or sumBy?



My coworker and I were comparing the speed of C# functions when passing in lambdas to do work compared to inlined functions with regards to time spent doing work. We found that you incurred a cost when passing in a lambda projection to a C# select function (for example) and wanted to see if F# had the same issues, or if it did something different.

Regardless of our original intent, we stumbled onto something that we can't figure out. In the following example we sum a list 3 different ways

  1. Reduce
  2. Sum
  3. SumBy

module fs

open NUnit.Framework
open FsUnit
open System
open System.Diagnostics;

let sumTest() = 
    let nums = [0..1000]

    let repeat = 100000

    let stopWatch = new Stopwatch()


    let sumsReduce = 
            for i in [0..repeat] do
                yield List.reduce (+) nums

    Console.WriteLine("reduce = {0} - Time = {1}", List.head sumsReduce, stopWatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds); 

    let sumsSum = 
            for i in [0..repeat] do
                yield List.sum nums

    Console.WriteLine("sum = {0} - Time = {1}", List.head sumsSum, stopWatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds); 

    let sumsSumBy = 
            for i in [0..repeat] do
                yield List.sumBy id nums

    Console.WriteLine("sumBy = {0} - Time = {1}", List.head sumsSumBy, stopWatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds); 

The output to this looks like:

reduce = 500500 - Time = 0.2725156
sum = 500500 - Time = 1.1183165
sumBy = 500500 - Time = 1.1126781

So clearly reduce is the big winner here. In the decompilation, I can see that reduce gets boiled down

internal class sumsReduce\u004021\u002D1 : OptimizedClosures.FSharpFunc<int, int, int>
  internal sumsReduce\u004021\u002D1()

  public override int Invoke(int x, int y)
    return x + y;

But I'm having a hard time figuring out what sum and sumBy are doing. Where is the timing discrepancy from?

The current answer suggested that reduce is 5 times faster because originally I was giving reduce an unchecked operator. However, updating the test to use a checked operator (from the Checked module) and I still get the same result

let sumsReduce = 
            for i in [0..repeat] do
                yield List.reduce (Checked.(+)) nums

Notice the time discrepancy still exists

reduce = 500500 - Time = 0.274697
sum = 500500 - Time = 1.1126796
sumBy = 500500 - Time = 1.1370642
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devshorts Avatar asked Aug 21 '13 20:08


2 Answers

Sum and SumBy use an enumerator:

    while e.MoveNext() do
        acc <- Checked.(+) acc e.Current

whereas reduce uses an recursive loop with an optimised closure: (reduce uses fold under the cover's - fold f head tail)

    let fold<'T,'State> f (s:'State) (list: 'T list) = 
        match list with 
        | [] -> s
        | _ -> 
            let f = OptimizedClosures.FSharpFunc<_,_,_>.Adapt(f)
            let rec loop s xs = 
                match xs with 
                | [] -> s
                | h::t -> loop (f.Invoke(s,h)) t
            loop s list

Using optimised closures can often yield a performance boost.

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7sharp9 Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 02:10


sum and sumBy use checked arithmetic, but you're passing unchecked operator + to reduce – not exactly apples to apples.

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ildjarn Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 01:10
