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F#: Some, None, or Exception?

I have been teaching myself F# lately, and I come from an imperative (C++/C#) background. As an exercise I have been working on functions that can do stuff with matrices, like add, multiply, get determinants, etc. Everything is going well in this regard, but I find that maybe I am not making the best decisions when it concerns handling invalid inputs, for example:

// I want to multiply two matrices
let mult m1 m2 =
  let sizeOK = validateDims m1 m2

  // Here is where I am running to conceptual trouble:
  // In a C# world, I would throw an exception.
  if !sizeOK then
    raise (InvalidOperationException("bad dimensions!")
    doWork m1 m2  

So while this technically works, is this appropriate for a functional language? Is it in the spirit of functional programming? Or would it make more sense to rewrite it as:

let mult m1 m2 =
  let sizeOK = validateDims m1 m2

  if !sizeOK then
    Some doWork m1 m2  

In this case I am returning an option, which adds an extra layer around the matrix, but I could also use the results of the function, even in failure cases (None) with pattern matching, etc. at some later point in the program. So is there a best practice for these types of scenarios? What would a functional programmer do?

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A.R. Avatar asked Aug 27 '13 15:08


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1 Answers

I tend to avoid exceptions for the following reasons:

  • .NET exceptions are slow
  • Exceptions change control flows of programs in an unexpected way, which makes it much harder to reason about
  • Exceptions often arise in critical situations while you can fail-safe by using options.

In your case, I will follow F# core library conventions (e.g. List.tryFind and List.find, etc.) and create both versions:

let tryMult m1 m2 =
  let sizeOK = validateDims m1 m2

  if not sizeOK then
    Some <| doWork m1 m2

let mult m1 m2 =
  let sizeOK = validateDims m1 m2

  if not sizeOK then
    raise <| InvalidOperationException("bad dimensions!")
    doWork m1 m2 

This example isn't exceptional enough to use exceptions. The mult function is included for C# compatibility. Someone using your library in C# doesn't have pattern matching to decompose options easily.

One drawback with options is that they don't give the reason why the function didn't produce a value. It's overkill here; generally Choice (or Either monad in Haskell term) is more suitable for error handling:

let tryMult m1 m2 =
  // Assume that you need to validate input
  if not (validateInput m1) || not (validateInput m2) then
     Choice2Of2 <| ArgumentException("bad argument!")
  elif not <| validateDims m1 m2 then
    Choice2Of2 <| InvalidOperationException("bad dimensions!")
    Choice1Of2 <| doWork m1 m2

It's a pity that F# Core lacks high-order functions to manipulate Choice. You can find those functions in FSharpX or ExtCore library.

like image 156
pad Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 12:10
