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Is there any single-article F# 3.0 overview? [closed]





When LINQ first came out, I remember Microsoft used to post wonderful introductory papers on C# 3.0, DLinq and XLinq (known as LINQ to SQL and LINQ to XML today).

I'm looking for some introductory paper to F# 3.0, similar in spirit to those overviews.

F# Team's introductory post is short and doesn't go into details, and while it links to some MSDN samples and walkthroughs, I'm wondering if someone can recommend a single article that goes over new features in F# 3.0, discusses the reasons they were added and shows some examples.

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Dan Abramov Avatar asked Sep 15 '11 16:09

Dan Abramov

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2 Answers

Although not an article, F# 3.0 Sample Pack contains a list of code samples for some of the new features, which are all available for online reading (and downloading):

like image 63
Dan Abramov Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 22:10

Dan Abramov

No, not yet. But the new things are (from MSDN):

  • Type Providers
  • Query expressions
  • More functions and operators (for querying and nullables)
  • Implicit (or automatic) properties
  • SI units are part of core library (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh289750(v=VS.110).aspx)
like image 23
Ramon Snir Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 00:10

Ramon Snir