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Why is reading one byte 20x slower than reading 2, 3, 4, ... bytes from a file?

I have been trying to understand the tradeoff between read and seek. For small "jumps" reading unneeded data is faster than skipping it with seek.

While timing different read/seek chunk sizes to find the tipping point, I came across a odd phenomenon: read(1) is about 20 times slower than read(2), read(3), etc. This effect is the same for different read methods, e.g. read() and readinto().

Why is this the case?

Search in the timing results for the following line 2/3 of the way through:

2 x buffered 1 byte readinto bytearray 


Python 3.5.2 |Continuum Analytics, Inc.| (default, Jul  5 2016, 11:45:57) [MSC v.1900 32 bit (Intel)] 

Timing results:

Non-cachable binary data ingestion (file object blk_size = 8192): - 2 x buffered 0 byte readinto bytearray:       robust mean: 6.01 µs +/- 377 ns       min: 3.59 µs - Buffered 0 byte seek followed by 0 byte readinto:       robust mean: 9.31 µs +/- 506 ns       min: 6.16 µs - 2 x buffered 4 byte readinto bytearray:       robust mean: 14.4 µs +/- 6.82 µs       min: 2.57 µs - 2 x buffered 7 byte readinto bytearray:       robust mean: 14.5 µs +/- 6.76 µs       min: 3.08 µs - 2 x buffered 2 byte readinto bytearray:       robust mean: 14.5 µs +/- 6.77 µs       min: 3.08 µs - 2 x buffered 5 byte readinto bytearray:       robust mean: 14.5 µs +/- 6.76 µs       min: 3.08 µs - 2 x buffered 3 byte readinto bytearray:       robust mean: 14.5 µs +/- 6.73 µs       min: 2.57 µs - 2 x buffered 49 byte readinto bytearray:       robust mean: 14.5 µs +/- 6.72 µs       min: 2.57 µs - 2 x buffered 6 byte readinto bytearray:       robust mean: 14.6 µs +/- 6.76 µs       min: 3.08 µs - 2 x buffered 343 byte readinto bytearray:       robust mean: 15.3 µs +/- 6.43 µs       min: 3.08 µs - 2 x buffered 2401 byte readinto bytearray:       robust mean: 138 µs +/- 247 µs       min: 4.11 µs - Buffered 7 byte seek followed by 7 byte readinto:       robust mean: 278 µs +/- 333 µs       min: 15.4 µs - Buffered 3 byte seek followed by 3 byte readinto:       robust mean: 279 µs +/- 333 µs       min: 14.9 µs - Buffered 1 byte seek followed by 1 byte readinto:       robust mean: 279 µs +/- 334 µs       min: 15.4 µs - Buffered 2 byte seek followed by 2 byte readinto:       robust mean: 279 µs +/- 334 µs       min: 15.4 µs - Buffered 4 byte seek followed by 4 byte readinto:       robust mean: 279 µs +/- 334 µs       min: 15.4 µs - Buffered 49 byte seek followed by 49 byte readinto:       robust mean: 281 µs +/- 336 µs       min: 14.9 µs - Buffered 6 byte seek followed by 6 byte readinto:       robust mean: 281 µs +/- 337 µs       min: 15.4 µs - 2 x buffered 1 byte readinto bytearray:       robust mean: 282 µs +/- 334 µs       min: 17.5 µs - Buffered 5 byte seek followed by 5 byte readinto:       robust mean: 282 µs +/- 338 µs       min: 15.4 µs - Buffered 343 byte seek followed by 343 byte readinto:       robust mean: 283 µs +/- 340 µs       min: 15.4 µs - Buffered 2401 byte seek followed by 2401 byte readinto:       robust mean: 309 µs +/- 373 µs       min: 15.4 µs - Buffered 16807 byte seek followed by 16807 byte readinto:       robust mean: 325 µs +/- 423 µs       min: 15.4 µs - 2 x buffered 16807 byte readinto bytearray:       robust mean: 457 µs +/- 558 µs       min: 16.9 µs - Buffered 117649 byte seek followed by 117649 byte readinto:       robust mean: 851 µs +/- 1.08 ms       min: 15.9 µs - 2 x buffered 117649 byte readinto bytearray:       robust mean: 1.29 ms +/- 1.63 ms       min: 18 µs 

Benchmarking code:

from _utils import BenchmarkResults  from timeit import timeit, repeat import gc import os from contextlib import suppress from math import floor from random import randint  ### Configuration  FILE_NAME = 'test.bin' r = 5000 n = 100  reps = 1  chunk_sizes = list(range(7)) + [7**x for x in range(1,7)]  results = BenchmarkResults(description = 'Non-cachable binary data ingestion')   ### Setup  FILE_SIZE = int(100e6)  # remove left over test file with suppress(FileNotFoundError):     os.unlink(FILE_NAME)  # determine how large a file needs to be to not fit in memory gc.collect() try:     while True:         data = bytearray(FILE_SIZE)         del data         FILE_SIZE *= 2         gc.collect() except MemoryError:     FILE_SIZE *= 2     print('Using file with {} GB'.format(FILE_SIZE / 1024**3))  # check enough data in file required_size = sum(chunk_sizes)*2*2*reps*r print('File size used: {} GB'.format(required_size / 1024**3)) assert required_size <= FILE_SIZE   # create test file with open(FILE_NAME, 'wb') as file:     buffer_size = int(10e6)     data = bytearray(buffer_size)     for i in range(int(FILE_SIZE / buffer_size)):         file.write(data)  # read file once to try to force it into system cache as much as possible from io import DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE buffer_size = 10*DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE buffer = bytearray(buffer_size) with open(FILE_NAME, 'rb') as file:     bytes_read = True     while bytes_read:         bytes_read = file.readinto(buffer)     blk_size = file.raw._blksize  results.description += ' (file object blk_size = {})'.format(blk_size)  file = open(FILE_NAME, 'rb')  ### Benchmarks  setup = \ """ # random seek to avoid advantageous starting position biasing results file.seek(randint(0, file.raw._blksize), 1) """  read_read = \ """ file.read(chunk_size) file.read(chunk_size) """  seek_seek = \ """ file.seek(buffer_size, 1) file.seek(buffer_size, 1) """  seek_read = \ """ file.seek(buffer_size, 1) file.read(chunk_size) """  read_read_timings = {} seek_seek_timings = {} seek_read_timings = {} for chunk_size in chunk_sizes:     read_read_timings[chunk_size] = []     seek_seek_timings[chunk_size] = []     seek_read_timings[chunk_size] = []  for j in range(r):     #file.seek(0)     for chunk_size in chunk_sizes:         buffer = bytearray(chunk_size)         read_read_timings[chunk_size].append(timeit(read_read, setup, number=reps, globals=globals()))         #seek_seek_timings[chunk_size].append(timeit(seek_seek, setup, number=reps, globals=globals()))         seek_read_timings[chunk_size].append(timeit(seek_read, setup, number=reps, globals=globals()))  for chunk_size in chunk_sizes:     results['2 x buffered {} byte readinto bytearray'.format(chunk_size)] = read_read_timings[chunk_size]     #results['2 x buffered {} byte seek'.format(chunk_size)] = seek_seek_timings[chunk_size]     results['Buffered {} byte seek followed by {} byte readinto'.format(chunk_size, chunk_size)] = seek_read_timings[chunk_size]   ### Cleanup file.close() os.unlink(FILE_NAME)  results.show() results.save() 

Edit 2020-02-24:

@finefoot requested the _utils package to be able to run above code.

from collections import OrderedDict from math import ceil from statistics import mean, stdev from contextlib import suppress import os import inspect  class BenchmarkResults(OrderedDict):     def __init__(self, *args, description='Benchmark Description', **kwArgs):         self.description = description         return super(BenchmarkResults, self).__init__(*args, **kwArgs)      def __repr__(self):         """Shows the results for the benchmarks in order of ascending duration"""         characteristic_durations = []         for name, timings in self.items():             try:                 characteristic_durations.append(_robust_stats(timings)[0])             except ValueError:                 if len(timings) > 1:                     characteristic_durations.append(mean(timings))                 else:                     characteristic_durations.append(timings[0])         indx = _argsort(characteristic_durations)         repr = '{}:\n'.format(self.description)         items = list(self.items())         for i in indx:             name, timings = items[i]             repr += '- {}:\n'.format(name)             try:                 stats = _robust_stats(timings)                 repr += '      robust mean: {} +/- {}\n'.format(_units(stats[0]), _units(stats[1]))             except ValueError:                 repr += '      timings: {}\n'.format(', '.join(map(_units, timings)))             if len(timings) > 1:                 repr += '      min: {}\n'.format(_units(min(timings)))         return repr      def show(self):         print(self)      def save(self):         caller = inspect.stack()[1]         filename = os.path.splitext(caller.filename)[0] + '.log'         with open(filename, 'w') as logfile:             logfile.write(repr(self))   def _units(seconds, significant_figures=3):     fmt = '{:.%sg} {}' % significant_figures     if seconds > 1:         return fmt.format(seconds, 's')     elif seconds > 1e-3:         return fmt.format(seconds*1e3, 'ms')     elif seconds > 1e-6:         return fmt.format(seconds*1e6, 'µs')     elif seconds < 1e-6:         return fmt.format(seconds*1e9, 'ns')     elif seconds > 60:         return fmt.format(seconds/60, 'min')     else:         return fmt.format(seconds/3600, 'hrs')     raise ValueError()  def _robust_stats(timings, fraction_to_use=0.8):     if len(timings) < 5:         raise ValueError('To calculate a robust mean, you need at least 5 timing results')     elts_to_prune = int(len(timings) * (1 - fraction_to_use))     # prune at least the highest and the lowest result     elts_to_prune = elts_to_prune if elts_to_prune > 2 else 2     # round to even number --> symmetic pruning     offset = ceil(elts_to_prune / 2)      # sort the timings     timings.sort()     # prune the required fraction of the elements     timings = timings[offset:-offset]     return mean(timings), stdev(timings)  def _argsort(seq):     # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3071415/efficient-method-to-calculate-the-rank-vector-of-a-list-in-python     return sorted(range(len(seq)), key=seq.__getitem__)  if __name__ == '__main__':     pass 
like image 538
ARF Avatar asked Jan 13 '17 00:01


1 Answers

I was able to reproduce the issue with your code. However, I noticed the following: can you verify that the issue disappears if you replace

file.seek(randint(0, file.raw._blksize), 1) 


file.seek(randint(0, file.raw._blksize), 0) 

in setup? I think you might just run out of data at some point during reading 1 byte. Reading 2 bytes, 3 bytes and so on won't have any data to read, so that's why it's much faster.

like image 52
finefoot Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 10:09
