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Python & MySql: Unicode and Encoding

I am parsing json data and trying to store some of the json data into Mysql database. I am currently getting following unicode error. My question is how should I handle this.

  • Should I handle it from the database side, and if so how can I modify my table to do so?
  • Should I handle it from python side?

Here is my table structure

CREATE TABLE yahoo_questions (    question_id varchar(40) NOT NULL,     question_subj varbinary(255),     question_content varbinary(255),    question_userId varchar(40) NOT NULL,    question_timestamp varchar(40),    category_id varbinary(20) NOT NULL,    category_name varchar(40) NOT NULL,    choosen_answer varbinary(255),    choosen_userId varchar(40),    choosen_usernick varchar(40),    choosen_ans_timestamp varchar(40),    UNIQUE (question_id) ); 

Error While inserting via python code:

Traceback (most recent call last):   File "YahooQueryData.py", line 78, in <module>     +"VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)", (row[2], row[5], row[6], quserId, questionTime, categoryId, categoryName, qChosenAnswer, choosenUserId, choosenNickName, choosenTimeStamp))   File "/opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/lib/python2.6/site-packages/MySQLdb/cursors.py", line 159, in execute     query = query % db.literal(args)   File "/opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/lib/python2.6/site-packages/MySQLdb/connections.py", line 264, in literal     return self.escape(o, self.encoders)   File "/opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/lib/python2.6/site-packages/MySQLdb/connections.py", line 202, in unicode_literal     return db.literal(u.encode(unicode_literal.charset)) UnicodeEncodeError: 'latin-1' codec can't encode characters in position 204-230: ordinal not in range(256) 

Python Code segment:

    #pushing user id to the url to get full json stack     urlobject = urllib.urlopen(base_url.format(row[2]))     qnadatajson = urlobject.read()     data = json.loads(qnadatajson) cur.execute("INSERT INTO yahoo_questions (question_id, question_subj, question_content, question_userId, question_timestamp,"             +"category_id, category_name, choosen_answer, choosen_userId, choosen_usernick, choosen_ans_timestamp)"             +"VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)", (row[2], row[5], row[6], quserId, questionTime, categoryId, categoryName, qChosenAnswer, choosenUserId, choosenNickName, choosenTimeStamp)) 

json Structure

questions: [ { Id: "20111201185322AA5HTDc", Subject: "what are the new pokemon call?", Content: "I used to know them I stop at dialga and palkia version and I heard there's new ones what's it call ", Date: "2011-12-01 18:53:22", Timestamp: "1322794402", 

What I also did prior to running the query I execute the following on mysql SET character_set_client = utf8

And this how the mysql variables looks like:

mysql> SHOW variables LIKE '%character_set%'; +--------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ | Variable_name            | Value                                                  | +--------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ | character_set_client     | utf8                                                   | | character_set_connection | utf8                                                   | | character_set_database   | latin1                                                 | | character_set_filesystem | binary                                                 | | character_set_results    | utf8                                                   | | character_set_server     | latin1                                                 | | character_set_system     | utf8                                                   | | character_sets_dir       | /usr/local/mysql-5.5.10-osx10.6-x86_64/share/charsets/ | +--------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ 8 rows in set (0.00 sec) 
like image 251
add-semi-colons Avatar asked Dec 03 '11 05:12


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2 Answers

I think that your MYSQLdb python library doesn't know it's supposed to encode to utf8, and is encoding to the default python system-defined charset latin1.

When you connect() to your database, pass the charset='utf8' parameter. This should also make a manual SET NAMES or SET character_set_client unnecessary.

like image 53
Francis Avila Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 23:10

Francis Avila

First, make sure you are assigning the charset and use_unicode parameters when making your MySQL connection:

conn = mysql.connect(host='',                      user='user',                      passwd='passwd',                      db='db',                      charset='utf8',                      use_unicode=True) 

Secondly, use prepared statements when actually querying the database. Below is an example INSERT query of a string containing a unicode character.

cursor.execute('INSERT INTO mytable VALUES (null, %s)',                                  ('Some string that contains unicode: ' + unichr(300),)) 
like image 44
danriti Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 00:10
