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Why is my left join not returning nulls?

In sql server 2008, I have the following query:

select           c.title as categorytitle,     s.title as subcategorytitle,     i.title as itemtitle from categories c join subcategories s on c.categoryid = s.categoryid left join itemcategories ic on s.subcategoryid = ic.subcategoryid  left join items i on ic.itemid = i.itemid and i.siteid = 132 where (ic.isactive = 1 or ic.isactive is null) order by c.title, s.title 

I am trying to get items in their subcategories, but I still want to return a record if there are no items in the category or subcategory. Subcategories that have no items are never returned. What am I doing wrong?

Thank you


Modified query with a second left join and where clause, but it's still not returning nulls. :/


Moved siteid to item left join. When I do this I get way more records than expected. Some items have a null siteid and I only want to included them when they have a specific id.


Table structure:

Categories Table  ------- CategoryID Title  SubCategories Table ------- SubCategoryID CategoryID Title  ItemCategories Table ------- ItemCategoryID ItemID SubCategoryID IsActive  Items Table  -------- ItemID Title SiteID 
like image 623
jimj Avatar asked Mar 19 '10 18:03


People also ask

Does LEFT join include nulls?

The SQL LEFT JOIN returns all rows from the left table, even if there are no matches in the right table. This means that if the ON clause matches 0 (zero) records in the right table; the join will still return a row in the result, but with NULL in each column from the right table.

Are nulls considered in joins?

Null values in tables or views being joined never match each other. Since bit columns do not permit null values, a value of 0 appears in an outer join when there is no match for a bit column in the inner table. The result of a join of null with any other value is null.

Which join return NULL values?

When using left join, right join, full (outer) join, it is possible to return NULL value, while (inner) join, cross join will not return NUll value.

Which join does not contain NULL values?

A join that displays only the rows that have a match in both joined tables. Columns containing NULL do not match any values when you are creating an inner join and are therefore excluded from the result set. Null values do not match other null values.

2 Answers

change join items i... to LEFT join items i... and your query should work as you expect.

You can not filter LEFT JOIN tables in the where clause unless you account for nulls, because the left join allows those columns to have a value or be null when no rows matches:

and i.siteid = 132 will throw away any of your rows that have a NULL i.siteid, where none existed. Move this to the ON:

left join items i on ic.itemid = i.itemid and i.siteid = 132

or make the WHERE handle NULLs:

WHERE ... AND (i.siteid = 132 OR i.siteid IS NULL)

EDIT based on OP's edit 3

SET NOCOUNT ON DECLARE @Categories table (CategoryID int,Title varchar(30)) INSERT @Categories VALUES (1,'Cat AAA') INSERT @Categories VALUES (2,'Cat BBB') INSERT @Categories VALUES (3,'Cat CCC')  DECLARE @SubCategories table (SubCategoryID int,CategoryID int,Title varchar(30)) INSERT @SubCategories VALUES (1,1,'SubCat AAA A') INSERT @SubCategories VALUES (2,1,'SubCat AAA B') INSERT @SubCategories VALUES (3,1,'SubCat AAA C') INSERT @SubCategories VALUES (4,2,'SubCat BBB A')  DECLARE @ItemCategories table (ItemCategoryID int, ItemID int, SubCategoryID int, IsActive char(1)) INSERT @ItemCategories VALUES (1,1,2,'Y') INSERT @ItemCategories VALUES (2,2,2,'Y') INSERT @ItemCategories VALUES (3,3,2,'Y') INSERT @ItemCategories VALUES (4,4,2,'Y') INSERT @ItemCategories VALUES (5,7,2,'Y')  DECLARE @Items table (ItemID int, Title varchar(30), SiteID int) INSERT @Items VALUES (1,'Item A',111) INSERT @Items VALUES (2,'Item B',111) INSERT @Items VALUES (3,'Item C',132) INSERT @Items VALUES (4,'Item D',111) INSERT @Items VALUES (5,'Item E',111) INSERT @Items VALUES (6,'Item F',132) INSERT @Items VALUES (7,'Item G',132) SET NOCOUNT OFF 

I'm not 100% sure what the OP is after, this will return all info that can be joined when the siteid=132 as given in the question

SELECT     c.title as categorytitle         ,s.title as subcategorytitle         ,i.title as itemtitle         --,i.itemID, ic.SubCategoryID, s.CategoryID     FROM @Items                          i         LEFT OUTER JOIN @ItemCategories ic ON i.ItemID=ic.ItemID         LEFT OUTER JOIN @SubCategories   s ON ic.SubCategoryID=s.SubCategoryID         LEFT OUTER JOIN @Categories      c ON s.CategoryID=c.CategoryID     WHERE i.siteid = 132 


categorytitle                  subcategorytitle               itemtitle ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ Cat AAA                        SubCat AAA B                   Item C NULL                           NULL                           Item F Cat AAA                        SubCat AAA B                   Item G  (3 row(s) affected) 

This will list all categories, even if there is no match to the siteid=132

;WITH AllItems AS ( SELECT     s.CategoryID, ic.SubCategoryID, ItemCategoryID, i.ItemID         ,c.title AS categorytitle, s.title as subcategorytitle, i.title as itemtitle     FROM @Items                          i         LEFT OUTER JOIN @ItemCategories ic ON i.ItemID=ic.ItemID         LEFT OUTER JOIN @SubCategories   s ON ic.SubCategoryID=s.SubCategoryID         LEFT OUTER JOIN @Categories      c ON s.CategoryID=c.CategoryID     WHERE i.siteid = 132 ) SELECT     categorytitle, subcategorytitle,itemtitle     FROM AllItems UNION SELECT     c.Title, s.Title, null     FROM @Categories                     c         LEFT OUTER JOIN @SubCategories   s ON c.CategoryID=s.CategoryID         LEFT OUTER JOIN @ItemCategories ic ON s.SubCategoryID=ic.SubCategoryID         LEFT OUTER JOIN AllItems         i ON c.CategoryID=i.CategoryID AND  s.SubCategoryID=i.SubCategoryID     WHERE i.ItemID IS NULL ORDER BY categorytitle,subcategorytitle 


categorytitle                  subcategorytitle               itemtitle ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ NULL                           NULL                           Item F Cat AAA                        SubCat AAA A                   NULL Cat AAA                        SubCat AAA B                   Item C Cat AAA                        SubCat AAA B                   Item G Cat AAA                        SubCat AAA C                   NULL Cat BBB                        SubCat BBB A                   NULL Cat CCC                        NULL                           NULL  (7 row(s) affected) 
like image 153
KM. Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 19:10


Your "WHERE" criteria on i.siteid means that there has to be an "items" row in the output. you need to write (i.siteid is null or i.siteid = 132) or put the "i.siteid = 132" into the "ON" clause- something that will work for the itemcategories join too:

select           c.title as categorytitle,     s.title as subcategorytitle,     i.title as itemtitle from categories c join subcategories s on c.categoryid = s.categoryid left join itemcategories ic on s.subcategoryid = ic.subcategoryid and ic.isactive = 1 left join items i on ic.itemid = i.itemid and i.siteid = 132 order by c.title, s.title 
like image 45
araqnid Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 18:10
