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Equivalent of MySQL ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE in Sql Server

I am trying to find an equivalent of the following MySql query in Sql Server (2012)?


Can anyone help?

PS. I have read that MERGE query has similar function, but I find the syntax of that very different.

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Nemo Avatar asked Nov 22 '14 10:11


People also ask

What is on duplicate key update?

ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE is a MariaDB/MySQL extension to the INSERT statement that, if it finds a duplicate unique or primary key, will instead perform an UPDATE. The row/s affected value is reported as 1 if a row is inserted, and 2 if a row is updated, unless the API's CLIENT_FOUND_ROWS flag is set.

What is duplicate key in SQL Server?

If you specify an ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE clause and a row to be inserted would cause a duplicate value in a UNIQUE index or PRIMARY KEY , an UPDATE of the old row occurs.

How do I use insert on duplicate key update?

The Insert on Duplicate Key Update statement is the extension of the INSERT statement in MySQL. When we specify the ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE clause in a SQL statement and a row would cause duplicate error value in a UNIQUE or PRIMARY KEY index column, then updation of the existing row occurs.

Is insert on duplicate key update Atomic?

So yes it is atomic in the sense that if the data that you are trying to insert will cause a duplicate in the primary key or in the unique index, the statement will instead perform an update and not error out.

2 Answers

You are basically looking for an Insert or Update pattern sometimes referred to as an Upsert.

I recommend this: Insert or Update pattern for Sql Server - Sam Saffron

For a procedure that will be dealing with single rows, either these transactions would work well:

Sam Saffron's First Solution (Adapted for this schema):

begin tran if exists (   select *      from mytable with (updlock,serializable)      where col_a = @val_a       and col_b = @val_b       and col_c = @val_c   )   begin     update mytable       set col_d = @val_d       where col_a = @val_a         and col_b = @val_b         and col_c = @val_c;   end else   begin     insert into mytable (col_a, col_b, col_c, col_d)       values (@val_a, @val_b, @val_c, @val_d);   end commit tran 

Sam Saffron's Second Solution (Adapted for this schema):

begin tran   update mytable with (serializable)     set col_d = @val_d       where col_a = @val_a         and col_b = @val_b         and col_c = @val_c;   if @@rowcount = 0     begin         insert into mytable (col_a, col_b, col_c, col_d)           values (@val_a, @val_b, @val_c, @val_d);      end commit tran 

Even with a creative use of IGNORE_DUP_KEY, you'd still be stuck having to use an insert/update block or a merge statement.

  • A creative use of IGNORE_DUP_KEY - Paul White @Sql_Kiwi
update mytable   set col_d = 'val_d'   where col_a = 'val_a'     and col_b = 'val_b'     and col_c = 'val_c';  insert into mytable (col_a, col_b, col_c, col_d)   select 'val_a','val_b', 'val_c', 'val_d'   where not exists (select *      from mytable with (serializable)      where col_a = 'val_a'       and col_b = 'val_b'       and col_c = 'val_c'       ); 

The Merge answer provided by Spock should do what you want.

Merge isn't necessarily recommended. I use it, but I'd never admit that to @AaronBertrand.

  • Use Caution with SQL Server's MERGE Statement - Aaron Bertrand

  • Can I optimize this merge statement - Aaron Bertrand

  • If you are using indexed views and MERGE, please read this! - Aaron Bertrand

  • An Interesting MERGE Bug - Paul White

  • UPSERT Race Condition With Merge

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SqlZim Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 01:10


Try this... I've added comments to try and explain what happens where in a SQL Merge statement. Source : MSDN : Merge Statement

The Merge Statement is different to the ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE statement in that you can tell it what columns to use for the merge.

CREATE TABLE #mytable(COL_A VARCHAR(10), COL_B VARCHAR(10), COL_C VARCHAR(10), COL_D VARCHAR(10)) INSERT INTO #mytable VALUES('1','0.1', '0.2', '0.3'); --<These are the values we'll be updating  SELECT * FROM #mytable --< Starting values (1 row)      MERGE #mytable AS target --< This is the target we want to merge into     USING ( --< This is the source of your merge. Can me any select statement         SELECT '1' AS VAL_A,'1.1' AS VAL_B, '1.2' AS VAL_C, '1.3' AS VAL_D --<These are the values we'll use for the update. (Assuming column COL_A = '1' = Primary Key)         UNION         SELECT '2' AS VAL_A,'2.1' AS VAL_B, '2.2' AS VAL_C, '2.3' AS VAL_D) --<These values will be inserted (cause no COL_A = '2' exists)         AS source (VAL_A, VAL_B, VAL_C, VAL_D) --< Column Names of our virtual "Source" table     ON (target.COL_A = source.VAL_A) --< This is what we'll use to find a match "JOIN source on Target" using the Primary Key     WHEN MATCHED THEN --< This is what we'll do WHEN we find a match, in your example, UPDATE COL_D = VALUES(COL_D);         UPDATE SET             target.COL_B = source.VAL_B,             target.COL_C = source.VAL_C,             target.COL_D = source.VAL_D     WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN --< This is what we'll do when we didn't find a match     INSERT (COL_A, COL_B, COL_C, COL_D)     VALUES (source.VAL_A, source.VAL_B, source.VAL_C, source.VAL_D)     --OUTPUT deleted.*, $action, inserted.* --< Uncomment this if you want a summary of what was inserted on updated.     --INTO #Output  --< Uncomment this if you want the results to be stored in another table. NOTE* The table must exists     ; SELECT * FROM #mytable --< Ending values (2 row, 1 new, 1 updated) 

Hope that helps

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Spock Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 01:10
