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Why is my animation leaving a trail?

I'm animating a an ImageView from the left to the right of the screen using a translate animation. The ImageView is place inside a RelativeLayout over the top of my main layout using FrameLayout.

When I run the animation on the emulator everything works pretty well but when I use run it on my G1 it leaves visual artifacts behind and effects the rendering of the text component behind it.

Is this a performance issue and I'm being too ambitious or is it a bug I can overcome?

If it is a performance issue is there anything I can do to improve things?

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Tom Martin Avatar asked Jun 18 '09 20:06

Tom Martin

3 Answers

I was also experiencing the same issue on 2.3.

Invalidating the container of the moving view ( the layout in which the moving view resides ) in Animation.applyTransformation fixed it for me.


Android - Artifacts using Animation

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Matthijs Avatar answered Nov 18 '22 17:11


I now this may be a little old, but I just found this:


Not sure what android version your using, but it may be a bug in the android libraries!

Looks like that's what the problem is for me! :)

... Dontcha just love it when its not your fault! :D

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Andy Avatar answered Nov 18 '22 15:11


Here's a workaround I found that solved this for me: "An easy workaround would be to pad your image with a small (1 pixel should do it) transparent region on the right/bottom - this would have no effect on how it would look, but it would force an invalidation of a region slightly larger than the actual image and thus compensate for the bug."


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Brian Christensen Avatar answered Nov 18 '22 16:11

Brian Christensen