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DataBinding: Adjust visibility by LiveData Variable on Click

I want to adjust the visibility of a ProgressBar depending on a MutableLiveData variable in my ViewModel. I learned that MutableLiveData does not work, so I need a LiveData variable to transform it... Kind of strange, but well at least it should work right?

Well it does not work at the moment. And I don't get why I want two variables to do one thing.

I hope the code speaks for itself:


override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
    val binding: ActivityLoginBinding = DataBindingUtil.setContentView(this, R.layout.activity_login)
    binding.lifecycleOwner = this
    binding.viewmodel = vm

View Model:

class LoginViewModel : ViewModel() {
    var isLoading: MutableLiveData<Boolean> = MutableLiveData(false)
    var showLoadingIndicator: LiveData<Boolean> = Transformations.map(isLoading) { isLoading.value }

    fun login() {
        isLoading.value = true


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<layout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"


                android:onClick="@{() -> viewmodel.login()}"/>



object BindingAdapters {
    fun goneUnless(view: View, visible: Boolean) {
        view.visibility = if (visible) View.VISIBLE else View.GONE

When I click the Button the Timber call works, but the visibility of the loading indicator does not change (from GONE to VISIBLE). How can I fix this and maybe get rid of the two variables and have only one?


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chrjs Avatar asked Jan 25 '19 12:01


1 Answers

You don't actually need a BindingAdapter, there's a simpler way to accomplish what you want.

1) ViewModel: change your loading field to: val isLoading = ObservableBoolean() OR val isLoading = MutableLiveData<Boolean>*

2) Add the import inside the <data> tag of your layout: <import type="android.view.View"/>

3) Your include will become:

   android:visibility="@{viewmodel.isLoading ? View.VISIBLE : View.GONE}"/>

Use set(value) to change the value of the ObservableBoolean or setValue() (postValue() if you are off the main thread) for LiveData.

*it is considered a good practice to expose a LiveData instance and keep the actual MutableLiveData private.

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Droidman Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 11:11
