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Why is MSBuild rebuilding shared projects?

I am trying to speed up the compilation of a set of solutions by only compiling shared projects once. This is a simplified description of my problem.

I have two solutions -- one.sln and two.sln. They both include shared project shared.csproj. I open the two solutions in Visual Studio, clean both, then build one.sln, then build two.sln. When two.sln is built, shared.dll is NOT regenerated, which is the behavior I expect.

To automate this process, I have created an msbuild .proj file (below). When I call msbuild on the .proj file, shared.dll is recompiled for BOTH solutions. What am I doing wrong?

<Project ToolsVersion="4.0" 
        <Solution Include="C:\one.sln"/>
        <Solution Include="C:\two.sln"/>
    <Target Name="Build">
      <MSBuild Projects="@(Solution)" Targets="Build" RunEachTargetSeparately="false" StopOnFirstFailure="true" />
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MzunguMark Avatar asked Sep 27 '22 21:09


2 Answers

IIRC, the reason why the reference is compiled twice, is that it is declared as a reference project in both solutions. So both will call the Build Target of their reference. That's how I understand it.

Create an Itemgroup for the reference project

  <!--Project reference-->
    <ProjectReference Include="refProject\refProject.csproj">

Add a target to build Reference

  <Target Name="ComputeProjectReference" Inputs="@(ProjectReference)" Outputs="%(ProjectReference.Identity)__Forced">
    <MSBuild Projects="@(ProjectReference)" Targets="%(ProjectReference.Targets)">
      <Output TaskParameter="TargetOutputs" ItemName="ResolvedProjectReferences"/>

  <Target Name="AfterProjectReference"  AfterTargets="ComputeProjectReference">
    <CreateItem Include="@(ResolvedProjectReferences)">
      <Output TaskParameter="Include" ItemName="CopyFiles" />

    <Copy SourceFiles="@(CopyFiles)" DestinationFolder="$(AssemblyName)\$(OutputPath)" SkipUnchangedFiles="false"  />

      <NewAssemblies Include="$(AssemblyName)\$(OutputPath)%(CopyFiles.FileName)%(CopyFiles.Extension)" />


Unfortunately, MSBuild task doesn't take references as a parameter. I suggest creating itemGroups that represent each project required. something like

    <CompileA Include="ConsProject\Program.cs" />
    <CompileA Include="ConsProject\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs" />
    <CompileA Include="ConsProject\Properties\Settings.Designer.cs">

    <CompileB Include="OtherProject\Program.cs" />
    <CompileB Include="OtherProject\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs" />
    <CompileB Include="OtherProject\Properties\Settings.Designer.cs">

And create a target to build the projects with the references compiled once

  <!--Build Process-->
  <Target Name="Build" DependsOnTargets="ComputeProjectReference" >
    <Csc Sources="@(CompileA)" References="@(NewAssemblies)" TargetType="exe" OutputAssembly="$(AssemblyName)\$(OutputPath)\$(AssemblyName).exe" />

    <Csc Sources="@(CompileB)" References="@(NewAssemblies)" TargetType="exe" OutputAssembly="$(AssemblyName)\$(OutputPath)\$(AssemblyName).exe" />

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CheGueVerra Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 05:11


I figured out why the shared projects were being recompiled for every solution. We have a post build step in each project that code signs the target file. After each previous compilation of a project, the .dll file is newer than the .pdb file, so it recompiles the project. I found this out by using the /v:d switch for verbose logging, then searching for "completely" in the output to find out why projects were being built completely each time.

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MzunguMark Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 07:11
