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Why is flexbox space-between not working?




I am trying to implement flexbox but can't get it to work. What am I missing? I have all the flexbox vendor prefixes in place.

.main-navigation ul {     width:100%;     display: -webkit-box;  /* OLD - iOS 6-, Safari 3.1-6, BB7 */    display: -ms-flexbox;  /* TWEENER - IE 10 */    display: -webkit-flex; /* NEW - Safari 6.1+. iOS 7.1+, BB10 */    display: flex;         /* NEW, Spec - Firefox, Chrome, Opera */   }  .main-navigation ul li {    justify-content:space-between;     width:100px;     background:#666;     display:block;  } 

The goal is to get the left most li to go flush with the left of the ul's container and the right most li to go flush with the right-hand side of the ul's container. Any help welcome.

like image 378
Al-76 Avatar asked Oct 08 '15 08:10


People also ask

Why is flex space between not working?

The justify-content property applies only to a flex container. In your code, justify-content is applied to the items, so it's having no effect. Re-assign it to the container. Of course, an element can be both a flex container and item, in which case all properties apply.

How do I give space between flexbox?

To set space between the flexbox you can use the flexbox property justify-content you can also visit all the property in that link. We can use the justify-content property of a flex container to set space between the flexbox.

Why is justify-content space evenly not working?

If the flex container has the clearfix method applied to it, then the flexbox justify-content rule won't work. If you use justify-content: space-between; then you will get incorrect spacing. With the space-between setting, the outside boxes should have no space between the box and the container edge.

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If you are using flexbox and want the content to wrap, you must specify flex-wrap: wrap . By default flex items don't wrap. To have the images be three-across, you should specify flex-basis: 33.33333% .

1 Answers

One more thing to keep in mind, additional to the need of adding justify-content:space-between to the flex container and not to the elements themselves; Make sure that you don't have empty elements (like an empty div or :after) inside the container.

In my case turned out a JS adding an empty div as a "clearfix" from the days before flex, when things were done floating elements.

justify-content:space-between will justify for all the elements inside the container even those with no content, which can mess up the alignment and wrapping.

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ccrez Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 17:09
