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How to check if css value is supported by the browser?

Im not very skilled in javascript so please be bear with me. Safari 6 and below and older android mobile browsers and maybe more do not support the css value VH. My DIV#id or class is not the height of the viewport. Below is a link to a page i found some useful information, but im really not sure how to use it with a css value:

Check whether a css value is supported

Here is the code given as a shortcut for you:

if('opacity' in document.body.style) {      // do stuff }  function isPropertySupported(property{    return property in document.body.style;  } 

In the comments of the link i attached above someone does ask how to check if a css VALUE is supported and the answer is, "You set it, then read the value back and check if the browser retained it." Now im sure that would be useful information if i knew more javascript which i have just started to learn.

This is what i have in mind but im really not sure how to go around doing this. Check if div#id or div.class has vh css value. Check whether the css value is supported by the browser. If its supported then keep loading. If not supported then change id or class.

So to sum up my question:

How do i check if a css value is supported by the browser using javascript or jquery?

Guidance to the answer is really appreciated. Thanks for your help.

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Guillaume Palm Avatar asked Mar 24 '16 01:03

Guillaume Palm

People also ask

Is CSS fully supported by all browsers?

It is quite obvious that all the CSS properties are not supported by all the browsers. Also, a browser can contain bugs leading to the wrong or no execution of a few CSS properties.

What is CSS support?

The @supports CSS at-rule lets you specify declarations that depend on a browser's support for one or more specific CSS features. This is called a feature query. The rule may be placed at the top level of your code or nested inside any other conditional group at-rule.

Which CSS property is not supported by the Firefox browser?

CSS flow relative overflow-block and overflow-inline properties are not supported by all browsers. CSS flow relative padding-block- and padding-inline- properties are not supported by all browsers. The page-break-after: CSS property values avoid, left and right are not supported by Firefox.

1 Answers

There is the new API CSS.supports. Supported in most browsers except IE.

console.log(    // CSS.supports(property, value)    1, CSS.supports("text-decoration-style", "blink"),    2, CSS.supports("display", "flex"),    3, CSS.supports('--foo', 'red'),    4, CSS.supports('(--foo: red)'),      // CSS.supports(DOMstring)    5, CSS.supports("( transform-origin: 5% 5% )"),    6, CSS.supports("( transform-style: preserve ) or ( -moz-transform-style: preserve ) or "     + "( -o-transform-style: preserve ) or ( -webkit-transform-style: preserve )")  )

And there is a similar feature in CSS, the @supports feature query selector, also supported in most browsers except IE:

@supports (display: grid) {   div {     display: grid;   } } @supports not (display: grid) {   div {     float: right;   } } 
like image 96
Eric Willigers Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 15:09

Eric Willigers