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VueJS $watch $refs

Is it possible to $watch Vue $refs?

I'm wanting to set logic against a child component that is nested inside my current Vue instance but inside the ready callback, $refs.childcomponent is initially undefined while it's processed.

inside ready()

this.$watch('$refs', function() {     console.log("not firing"); }, { deep: true }); 

Result: Error: Maximum call stack exceeded

watch property of the instance

watch: {   '$refs': {      handler: function() { console.log("hit"); },      deep: true   } } 

result: nothing.

like image 733
Kiee Avatar asked Aug 19 '16 09:08


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How do I watch $refs on Vue?

To watch refs with Vue. js, we can watch the reactive properties in the ref if the ref is assigned to a component. to watch the counter 's i reactive property. Since we assigned the counter ref to the counter component, i is a reactive property in counter .

What is REF () in Vue?

ref is a special attribute, similar to the key attribute discussed in the v-for chapter. It allows us to obtain a direct reference to a specific DOM element or child component instance after it's mounted.

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Using watchers in Vue # vue file we can watch for changes in data or props by using watch . For example, the below code will watch for a change in the data element pageData , and run a function according to the value it is changed to.

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2 Answers

You can $watch $refs.<name>.<data> but not $refs.<name> itself, not to mention $refs.


const Counter = {   data: () => ({     i: 0   }),   template: `<fieldset>     <p>Counter</p>     <code>i = {{ i }}</code>     <button @click="i += 1"> Add One </button>   </fieldset>` }  const App = {   components: { Counter },   mounted () {     this.$watch(         () => {             return this.$refs.counter.i         },       (val) => {         alert('App $watch $refs.counter.i: ' + val)       }     )   },   template: `<fieldset>     <p>App</p>     <counter ref="counter" />   </fieldset>` }  new Vue({     el: '#app',     render: h => h(App) }) 
like image 87
kenberkeley Avatar answered Sep 16 '22 13:09


No, $refs are not reactive, watch won't work.

like image 22
Linus Borg Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 13:09

Linus Borg