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Why is CMake designed so that it removes runtime path when installing

I built my shared library(I use a lib calculating the fibonacci number for example) myself and want to use it in my another c++ project built by CMake

Let's say the shared library and headers located in /path/to/my/lib, the shared library libfib.so is in /path/to/my/lib/lib and the header fib.h is in /path/to/my/lib/include and my own project located in /path/to/my/project

Here is my original CMakeLists.txt:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.2) project(learn-lib) set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-std=c++11 ${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS}") set(FIB_INCLUDE "${FIB_PREFIX}/include") set(FIB_LIB "${FIB_PREFIX}/lib") set(EXE mybin) include_directories(${FIB_INCLUDE}) link_directories(${FIB_LIB}) add_executable(${EXE} main.cpp) target_link_libraries(${EXE} fib) install(TARGETS ${EXE} RUNTIME DESTINATION bin) 

And I use this script to build and install my project:

mkdir -p build_dir cd build_dir cmake -DFIB_PREFIX=/path/to/my/lib \       -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/path/to/my/project \       .. make make install cd .. 

Now, after running the install script, I got two executables, one in build_dir, one in the install location path/to/my/project/bin, when running the program in build_dir, everything is fine, but when running the installed program, I get:

./bin/mybin: error while loading shared libraries: libfib.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

After some searching on google and stackoverflow, I knew it seems that CMake removed the runtime search path that is tied to the executable when building. I now know two ways to get it around:

  1. Add the library path where libfib.so locates to the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH
  2. Add set_target_properties(${EXE} PROPERTIES INSTALL_RPATH_USE_LINK_PATH TRUE) into my CMakeLists.txt

So, my questions are:

  1. Why is CMake designed so? When installing, why would it remove runtime path from executables instead of just copying the built executables to the install destination or whatever keeping the link path for the installed program?
  2. Which way is the best practice(or is there a best practice) to eliminate this problem? To set the environment or to add set_target_properties(...) into CMakeLists.txt ?
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Alaya Avatar asked Sep 09 '15 02:09


People also ask

What is the path in CMake?

The path may represent a non-existing path or even one that is not allowed to exist on the current file system or platform. For operations that do interact with the filesystem, see the file () command. The cmake_path command handles paths in the format of the build system (i.e. the host platform), not the target system.

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Once you enable given language in the project () command CMake will automatically use the correct tool basing on the file extension. Here is an example of an executable built from both C and C++ files. They are all defined as one list of sources:

Is it possible to include a library in a CMake project?

Since modern CMake (3.x+) it is possible! Library author can utilize the fact, that when you “link” with that library via target_link_libraries (quite unfortunate name: read this for a reason why) you “inherit” all its public properties. And the include paths are the property of the library.

What is CMake in Visual Studio?

CMake supports multiple IDE’s and build frameworks CMake is a build system generator (meta build system), which means that it creates configuration files for other existing build systems. List of available options is dependent on the build host, which is natural (usually there is no need to generate Visual Studio projects on Linux).

2 Answers

You may want to look into CMake's RPATH handling settings

This quote in particular seems relevant to your predicament:

By default if you don't change any RPATH related settings, CMake will link the executables and shared libraries with full RPATH to all used libraries in the build tree. When installing, it will clear the RPATH of these targets so they are installed with an empty RPATH.

You can set the RPATH that is set for installed binaries using the CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH variable, for example:


and you can also disable the RPATH stripping during installation:

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alexgolec Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 08:09


I just want to answer question 1. The why this is done. Alex already posted a solution how to change this behaviour.

The reason is that when you build it you really want to use the libraries the build script saw on your machine. If you build a whole stack of libraries for your app you want no mistake that they aren't picked by the library. Therefore it makes sense to use the full rpath to the library. Also you never move your application around between compilation and when it's debugged and run.

But when installed the usual case in the unix world was to use the shared /usr/lib and /usr/local/lib directories. They are usually picked up (unless LD_LIBRARY_PATH is used) and thats normally what you want.

As you see by my wording, all this is a mess because it includes so many implicit decisions how you organize your build and your deployment. It is one of the reasons why the term 'DLL hell' once only popular on Windows moved over to Unix when it became more widely used. There is no technical solution because its not a technical problem (that part is solved). Its an organizational problem and CMake has to decide about the one flavour it supports on a platform by default. And IMHO they have choosen wisely.

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Lothar Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 08:09
