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Return with assert and comma operator




http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/algorithm/clamp gives this as a possible implementation for std::clamp:

template<class T, class Compare> constexpr const T& clamp( const T& v, const T& lo, const T& hi, Compare comp ) {     return assert( !comp(hi, lo) ),         comp(v, lo) ? lo : comp(hi, v) ? hi : v; } 

While I do understand how this works, putting the assert statement in the return seems rather strange to me; I would have written it as:

template<class T, class Compare> constexpr const T& clamp( const T& v, const T& lo, const T& hi, Compare comp ) {     assert( !comp(hi, lo) );     return comp(v, lo) ? lo : comp(hi, v) ? hi : v; } 

Still, I'm guessing they chose their implementation for a reason; is there advantage of their version over "mine"?

like image 870
rainer Avatar asked Apr 05 '17 10:04


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1 Answers

In C++11, constexpr functions could only have a single return statement (see here). The suggested implementation allows the function to be used in a C++11 compliant compiler.

C++14 removed this restriction, so your implementation is also valid in C++14 or later.

Disregarding this, the functions are exactly equivalent, and your one is definitely more readable.

like image 187
Joseph Ireland Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 15:09

Joseph Ireland