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Why is Clojure 10 times slower than Python for the equivalent solution of Euler 50?

I recently started to learn Clojure and decided to practice on Euler problems to get a hang of the available data structures and practice recursion and looping.

I tried various approaches to Problem 50, but no matter what I did, finding the solution for 1000000 never finished. After I looked up what others did, I guessed what I was doing should not take forever either, so I typed in the equivalent algorithm in Python to see if the problem lies in my lack of understanding of some Clojure thing, or Java setting. Python finished in 10 seconds. For primes under 100000, the Python version finished in 0.5 sec, Clojure in 5.

I'm posting the Clojure version which was created specifically to match the Python code. Can you help me understand why there is such a difference in performance? Should I use unchecked-add, type hints, primitives (but where?) or what?

So here's Clojure:

(defn prime? [n]
  (let [r (int (Math/sqrt n))]
    (loop [d 2]
        (= n 1) false
        (> d r) true
        (zero? (rem n d)) false
        :other (recur (inc d))))))

(defn primes []
  (filter prime? (iterate inc 2)))

(defn cumulative-sum [s]
    (fn [v, x] (conj v (+ (last v) x))) 
    [(first s)] 
    (rest s)))

(defn longest-seq-under [n]
  "Longest prime seq with sum under n"
  (let [ps (vec (take-while #(< % n) (primes))) ; prime numbers up to n
        prime-set (set ps)  ; set for testing of inclusion
        cs (cumulative-sum ps)
        cnt (count ps)
        max-len (count (take-while #(< % n) cs)) ; cannot have longer sequences
        sub-sum (fn [i j] ; sum of primes between the i-th and j-th      
                  (- (cs j) (get cs (dec i) 0)))
        seq-with-len (fn [m] ; try m length prime sequences and return the first where the sum is prime
                       (loop [i 0] ; try with the lowest sum
                         (if (> i (- cnt m)) ; there are no more elements for and m length sequence
                           nil ; could not find any
                           (let [j (+ i (dec m)) ; fix length
                                 s (sub-sum i j)]
                             (if (>= s n) ; overshoot
                               (if (prime-set s) ; sum is prime
                                 [i (inc j)] ; we just looked for the first
                                 (recur (inc i))))))))] ; shift window
        (loop [m max-len] ; try with the longest sequence
          (if (not (zero? m))
            (let [[i j] (seq-with-len m) ]
              (if j 
                (subvec ps i j)
                (recur (dec m))))))))                    

(assert (= [2 3 5 7 11 13] (longest-seq-under 100)))

(let [s1000  (longest-seq-under 1000)]
  (assert (= 21 (count s1000)))
  (assert (= 953 (reduce + s1000))))

; (time (reduce + (longest-seq-under 100000))) ; "Elapsed time: 5707.784369 msecs"

And here's the same in Python:

from math import sqrt
from itertools import takewhile

def is_prime(n) :
    for i in xrange(2, int(sqrt(n))+1) :
        if n % i == 0 :
            return False
    return True

def next_prime(n):
    while not is_prime(n) :
        n += 1
    return n

def primes() :
    i = 1
    while True :
        i = next_prime(i+1)
        yield i

def cumulative_sum(s):
    cs = []
    css = 0
    for si in s :
        css += si
        cs.append( css )
    return cs

def longest_seq_under(n) :
    ps = list(takewhile( lambda p : p < n, primes()))
    pss = set(ps)
    cs = cumulative_sum(ps)
    cnt = len(ps)
    max_len = len(list(takewhile(lambda s : s < n, cs)))

    def subsum(i, j):
        return cs[j] - (cs[i-1] if i > 0 else 0)

    def interval_with_length(m) :
        for i in xrange(0, cnt-m+1) :
            j = i + m - 1            
            sij = subsum(i,j)
            if sij >= n :
                return None, None
            if sij in pss : # prime
                return i, j+1
        return None, None

    for m in xrange(max_len, 0, -1) :
        f, t = interval_with_length(m)
        if t :
            return ps[f:t]

assert longest_seq_under(100) == [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13]
assert sum(longest_seq_under(1000)) == 953

# import timeit
# timeit.Timer("sum(longest_seq_under(100000))", "from __main__ import longest_seq_under").timeit(1) # 0.51235757617223499


like image 813
Aa'Koshh Avatar asked Nov 09 '11 11:11


1 Answers

I think the slowdown comes from the number of times you iterate through the sequences in longest-seq-under; each of those iterations takes its toll. Here's a smoking fast version, based on a combination of your code and the answer posted here. Note that primes is lazy, so we can bind it with def vs defn:

(defn prime? [n]
  (let [r (int (Math/sqrt n))]
    (loop [d 2]
      (cond (= n 1) false
            (> d r) true
            (zero? (rem n d)) false
            :else (recur (inc d))))))

(def primes (filter prime? (iterate inc 2)))

(defn make-seq-accumulator
  [[x & xs]]
  (map first (iterate
              (fn [[sum [s & more]]]
                [(+ sum s) more])
              [x xs])))

(def prime-sums
  (conj (make-seq-accumulator primes) 0))

(defn euler-50 [goal]
  (loop [c 1]
    (let [bots (reverse (take c prime-sums))
          tops (take c (reverse (take-while #(> goal (- % (last bots)))
                                            (rest prime-sums))))]
      (or (some #(when (prime? %) %)
                (map - tops bots))
          (recur (inc c))))))

This finished in about 6 ms on my machine:

user> (time (euler-50 1000000))
"Elapsed time: 6.29 msecs"
like image 68
Sam Ritchie Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 17:09

Sam Ritchie