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How can I determine if instance of class from Django model is subclass of another model?

I have a class called BankAccount as base class. I also have CheckingAccount and SavingsAccount classes that inherit from BankAccount.

BankAccount is not an abstract class but I do not create an object from it, only the inheriting classes.

Then, I execute a query like this:

account = BankAccount.objects.get(id=10)

How do I know if account is CheckingAccount or SavingsAccount?

The way I do this now is in this way:

checking_account = CheckingAccount.objects.get(id=account.id)

If it exists, it is a CheckingAccount, otherwise, it is a SavingsAccount.

like image 690
dannyroa Avatar asked Feb 22 '10 23:02


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1 Answers

Try to use the checkingaccount and savingsaccount attributes. The one it is will not blow up.

like image 135
Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 19:09

Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams