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What is an InstrumentedList in Python?

During some set operations I encountered this error in Python:

TypeError: unhashable type: 'InstrumentedList'

What is an InstrumentedList in Python? I only found a few references related to SQLAlchemy. Is this a SQLAlchemy implementation of lists or something?

By the way, it happens while doing:



print type(self.some_list) # <type 'list'>
like image 314
Aufwind Avatar asked Jul 11 '11 18:07


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What is Backref in SQLAlchemy?

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2 Answers

Yes, SQLAlchemy uses it to implement a list-like object which is aware of insertions and deletions of related objects to an object (via one-to-many and many-to-many relationships).

like image 69
Vinay Sajip Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 09:10

Vinay Sajip

Yes it's part of SQLAlchemy API. Here is the class reference:


like image 45
AJ. Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 10:10