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Why is 100% height not 100% of the browser height?




EDIT:Removed the files from the server


This is a layout I've been using to try out some stuff. What's got me stumped is that when the browser is resized so a vertical scroll-bar appears, the background doesn't reach the full height of the browser window... in fact they are shorter than the content panel, despite being set as height:100%.

This happens in IE8, FF3 and Chrome so it's clearly a pretty standard-compliant screw-up (passes validation for XHTML 1.0 strict and CSS2.1+)! Can anyone point out the obvious mistake?

EDIT: I looked at it in Firebug as suggested. What I find is the page div sticks out past the bottom of the parent pageOutline div. How can that work?

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Mr. Boy Avatar asked Feb 10 '10 17:02

Mr. Boy

People also ask

How can I get 100% height of my page?

Try setting the height of the html element to 100% as well. Body looks to its parent (HTML) for how to scale the dynamic property, so the HTML element needs to have its height set as well. However the content of body will probably need to change dynamically. Setting min-height to 100% will accomplish this goal.

What does min height 100% do?

– What is Min Height 100vh in CSS? Min height 100vh means the element should occupy the web browser viewport height. This is always 100 percent of the web browser's viewport height. If there is more content, the element will stretch more than the viewport's height, which is a code example that will clear things up.

Why is height 0 in HTML?

Height = 0 because the parent of the elements have 0 height, so make sure your parent, which is body here have 100% height or else.

1 Answers

The short answer: It's complicated. To really understand all the factors that affect CSS 100% heights (and widths) you'll need to know about terms such as: the view port, initial containing block, flow, overflow, inline formatting contexts, block formatting contexts, the W3C box model, the IE box model and Quirks Mode.

If you're really interested on getting on top of it there is no better place to start than the spec: The Visual Formatting Model

But here's an overview.

Heights on inline elements are calculated differently than block elements -- so from here on this only refers to block elements or elements which have been given new block formatting contexts.

To start with when you give an element 100% height, it will take it's height from it's containing block eg. it's parent and it's parent takes it's height from it's parent and so-forth back to the initial containing block.

The initial containing block is different in HTML (body) and XML/XHTML (html) and it's default height isn't 100% of the viewport so normally you would cover your butt and define it this way:

html, body {

We had to zero the margin and padding because in CSS the Height property refers to the height of the Content Box and if there was any margin or padding (or border) we'd get a scrollbar. The height would be 100% + padding + border + margin... W3C Box Model

The exception to this is if IE is in Quirks Mode... IE box model

...so unless you maintain this "100% height" through all descendant elements then you are redefining the meaning of "100% height" to each new descendant. This can also be affected by the creation of a new Block Formatting Context. You create new bock formatting contexts when you Float or Absolutely Position an element (as well as some other things)

About the height of Table cells...

People often ask "Why won't my Div with 100% height work in a table cell?".

This has to do with how a Table cell's height is calculated. When a cell is rendered the height of it's content box isn't stretched to match the height of the parent Row. The renderer instead adds extra padding as required so that the overall height matches the height of the Row. So in this example...

      line one<br>
      line two<br>
      line three
      <div style="height:100%">
         Hello world!

...the height of the Div is 100% -- 100% of the cell's Content Box. The cell's content box was given extra padding so that it matched the overall height of the row. The Div's height is 100% of it's parents content box (not the overall height).

See Table height algorithms.

As this question seems to be asked almost daily I've check the Wiki check box -- I'm a newbie but presumable this will make it easier for others to make corrections and additions as needed.

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Akshendra Pratap Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 00:09

Akshendra Pratap