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Why getApplicationContext() in constructor of Activity throws null pointer exception?

After some time spent bug hunting it turns out that :

public class MainActivity extends BaseActivity { // BaseActivity extends Activity

    public MainActivity() {
        getApplicationContext(); // NPE here

Why ? Where is this documented ?

like image 487
Mr_and_Mrs_D Avatar asked Apr 14 '13 22:04


2 Answers

Just to get a feeling of what's going on. Activity extends ContextThemeWrapper which extends ContextWrapper from whom Activity inherits getApplicationContext(). ContextWrapper implements it as :

public Context  getApplicationContext() {
    return mBase.getApplicationContext(); // mBase is a Context

The only public constructor of ContextWrapper is :

 public  ContextWrapper(Context base) {
     mBase = base;

in ContextThemeWrapper we have :

 public  ContextThemeWrapper() {

and since Activity does not define an explicit constructor the constructor above is called - mBase == null in Activity's constructor - boom.

Links from 4.2.2_r1

like image 89
Mr_and_Mrs_D Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 15:09


Wait for the end of onCreate to call this method.

public class MainActivity extends BaseActivity { 

    public onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        getApplicationContext(); //activity has a context now
like image 34
Snicolas Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 15:09
