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Why Facebook Canvas over Facebook Page Tab?

I have read up on the differences from 'setting' up the Canvas Page vs the Page Tab. I also see the Canvas page allows for interaction with notifications, bookmarks, newsfeed, timeline etc. However, doesn't a Page Tab also allow that?

I am trying to figure out in what instances would you use a Canvas over a Page Tab.


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jdruid Avatar asked Jul 24 '12 16:07


1 Answers

The main difference between apps embedded into pages and canvas apps that is the canvas apps have their own, unique URL under the https://apps.facebook.com/... domain.

The fact your app is embedded on a page or not is not necessarily in your hand because the app creator and page admins could be different people. The added integration points facebook gives you all tied to this URL. (I guess they could use your backend url directly but they wont be able to show ads there.)

You might want to choose canvas app if you need one or more of these features:

  1. You want to use facebook platform features tied to canvas.

    1. requests
    3. apps / games dashboard
    4. show up in search results
  2. Want to support wide screens

    Canvas pages can be configured to expand "wall-to-wall" and take advantage of users with big screens.

  3. Want to use deep links (easily) into your app.

    Deep links can be implemented on page tabs with the data GET parameter (coming down into your app via signed_request on tabs), but canvas pages get this for "free".

There's a best practice guide in docs on how to create good canvas apps.

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complex857 Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 02:11
