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Facebook App with wildcard OAuth redirect URL




I have a Facebook app that I'm working on. In my app's advanced settings tab (in Facebook's developer site) I'd like to specify an OAuth redirect URL with a wildcard in it.

Each user of my app has a custom subdomain (e.g. foobar.example.com). I want to be able to specify an OAuth redirect url such as *.example.com.

I know for other platforms such as Twitter and LinkedIn, it's possible to achieve this by setting the redirect URL simply to example.com, and it will accept redirect URLs with any subdomain, including www. In my app's general settings tab I was able to change the url from app.example.com to example.com. After doing that, I can still authenticate from app.example.com and I am redirected back to app.example.com/callback because app.example.com/callback is whitelisted in my app settings.

If I try to authenticate from another subdomain such as foobar.example.com, I'm redirected back to app.example.com/callback afterwards, which is not what I want. I tried changing my redirect URL to example.com, as I did with the site url, but then I am redirect to example.com/callback instead of app.example.com/callback.

I've also tried using a wildcard such as *.example.com/callback, but Facebook wouldn't let me save the settings with a wildcard in the URL.

How can I make my redirect URL dynamic so that I don't need to manually enter hundreds or even thousands of whitelisted URLs?

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Daniel Bonnell Avatar asked Mar 09 '16 20:03

Daniel Bonnell

1 Answers

Here's how to accomplish this in 4 simple steps:

  1. Create a new subdomain for your app (e.g. auth.example.com).
  2. In the settings tab for your Facebook app where you specify the Valid OAuth Redirect URIs, put in your new subdomain with the right path to your Oauth controller (e.g. https://auth.example.com/auth/facebook/callback).
  3. When the user wants to authorize your app, send them to Facebook as normal and specify your new redirect url with their user ID (or some other identifier) as a parameter (e.g. https://auth.example.com/auth/facebook/callback?user_id=123).
  4. When the user hits that redirect URI on your server, save their access token and then redirect them to wherever you want (e.g. back to https://foo.example.com).

My app has used this exact setup successfully for almost two years and we service thousands of users a day.

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Daniel Bonnell Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 09:09

Daniel Bonnell