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Why doesn't this reinterpret_cast compile?

I understand that reinterpret_cast is dangerous, I'm just doing this to test it. I have the following code:

int x = 0; double y = reinterpret_cast<double>(x); 

When I try to compile the program, it gives me an error saying

invalid cast from type 'float' to type 'double

What's going on? I thought reinterpret_cast was the rogue cast that you could use to convert apples to submarines, why won't this simple cast compile?

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Vlad the Impala Avatar asked Feb 05 '10 06:02

Vlad the Impala

People also ask

Why is reinterpret_cast not Constexpr?

There are very few valid uses of reinterpret_cast , most of them result in UB. Plus it is practically impossible to check if the use is valid. So reinterpret_cast is not allowed during compilation, i.e. it is not allowed in constexpr.

What does reinterpret_cast mean in C++?

The reinterpret_cast allows the pointer to be treated as an integral type. The result is then bit-shifted and XORed with itself to produce a unique index (unique to a high degree of probability). The index is then truncated by a standard C-style cast to the return type of the function.

Is it safe to use reinterpret_cast?

reinterpret_cast is a very special and dangerous type of casting operator. And is suggested to use it using proper data type i.e., (pointer data type should be same as original data type).

Is reinterpret cast compile-time?

The dynamic cast is the only that needs to be "calculated" in run-time. All other casts are calculated in compile-time. The machine code for a static_cast is a fixed function based on the type you are casting FROM and TO. For reinterpret_cast , the machine code can be resolved in compile-time as well.

2 Answers

Perhaps a better way of thinking of reinterpret_cast is the rouge operator that can "convert" pointers to apples as pointers to submarines.

By assigning y to the value returned by the cast you're not really casting the value x, you're converting it. That is, y doesn't point to x and pretend that it points to a float. Conversion constructs a new value of type float and assigns it the value from x. There are several ways to do this conversion in C++, among them:

int main() {     int x = 42;     float f = static_cast<float>(x);     float f2 = (float)x;     float f3 = float(x);     float f4 = x;     return 0; } 

The only real difference being the last one (an implicit conversion) will generate a compiler diagnostic on higher warning levels. But they all do functionally the same thing -- and in many case actually the same thing, as in the same machine code.

Now if you really do want to pretend that x is a float, then you really do want to cast x, by doing this:

#include <iostream> using namespace std;  int main() {     int x = 42;     float* pf = reinterpret_cast<float*>(&x);     (*pf)++;     cout << *pf;     return 0; } 

You can see how dangerous this is. In fact, the output when I run this on my machine is 1, which is decidedly not 42+1.

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John Dibling Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 10:09

John Dibling

In C++ reinterpret_cast can only perform a specific set of conversions, explicitly listed in the language specification. In short, reinterpret_cast can only perform pointer-to-pointer conversions and reference-to-reference conversions (plus pointer-to-integer and integer-to-pointer conversions). This is consistent with the intent expressed in the very name of the cast: it is intended to be used for pointer/reference reinterpretation.

What you are trying to do is not reinterpretation. If you want to reinterpret an int as a double you'd have to convert it to a reference type

double y = reinterpret_cast<double&>(x);  

although the equivalent pointer-based reinterpretation is probably more explicit

double y = *reinterpret_cast<double*>(&x); // same as above 

Note though, that while reinterpret_cast can convert the reference/pointer types, the actual attempt to read the data through the resultant reference/pointer produces undefined behavior.

And in any case this, of course, can't make much sense on a platform with int and double of different size (since in case of larger double you will read beyond the memory occupied by x).

So, in the end it all boils down to what you were trying to achieve. Memory reinterpretation? See above. Some kind of more meaningful int to double conversion? If so, reinterpret_cast won't help you here.

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AnT Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 11:09