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Getting a FILE* from a std::fstream

People also ask

How can I get fd from fstream?

There is no (standard) way to extract the file number from an std::fstream since the standard library does not mandate how file streams will be implemented. Rather, you need to use the C file API if you want to do this (using FILE* ). This seems to give the advantage to C over C++ for Unix system programming.

Can fstream create a file?

To create a file, use either the ofstream or fstream class, and specify the name of the file. To write to the file, use the insertion operator ( << ).

The short answer is no.

The reason, is because the std::fstream is not required to use a FILE* as part of its implementation. So even if you manage to extract file descriptor from the std::fstream object and manually build a FILE object, then you will have other problems because you will now have two buffered objects writing to the same file descriptor.

The real question is why do you want to convert the std::fstream object into a FILE*?

Though I don't recommend it, you could try looking up funopen().
Unfortunately, this is not a POSIX API (it's a BSD extension) so its portability is in question. Which is also probably why I can't find anybody that has wrapped a std::stream with an object like this.

FILE *funopen(
              const void *cookie,
              int    (*readfn )(void *, char *, int),
              int    (*writefn)(void *, const char *, int),
              fpos_t (*seekfn) (void *, fpos_t, int),
              int    (*closefn)(void *)

This allows you to build a FILE object and specify some functions that will be used to do the actual work. If you write appropriate functions you can get them to read from the std::fstream object that actually has the file open.

There isn't a standardized way. I assume this is because the C++ standardization group didn't want to assume that a file handle can be represented as a fd.

Most platforms do seem to provide some non-standard way to do this.

http://www.ginac.de/~kreckel/fileno/ provides a good writeup of the situation and provides code that hides all the platform specific grossness, at least for GCC. Given how gross this is just on GCC, I think I'd avoid doing this all together if possible.

UPDATE: See @Jettatura what I think it is the best answer https://stackoverflow.com/a/33612982/225186 (Linux only?).


(Probably not cross platform, but simple)

Simplifiying the hack in http://www.ginac.de/~kreckel/fileno/ (dvorak answer), and looking at this gcc extension http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc-4.6.2/libstdc++/api/a00069.html#a59f78806603c619eafcd4537c920f859, I have this solution that works on GCC (4.8 at least) and clang (3.3 at least)


typedef std::basic_ofstream<char>::__filebuf_type buffer_t;
typedef __gnu_cxx::stdio_filebuf<char>            io_buffer_t; 
FILE* cfile_impl(buffer_t* const fb){
    return (static_cast<io_buffer_t* const>(fb))->file(); //type std::__c_file

FILE* cfile(std::ofstream const& ofs){return cfile_impl(ofs.rdbuf());}
FILE* cfile(std::ifstream const& ifs){return cfile_impl(ifs.rdbuf());}

and can be used this,

int main(){
    std::ofstream ofs("file.txt");
    fprintf(cfile(ofs), "sample1");
    fflush(cfile(ofs)); // ofs << std::flush; doesn't help 
    ofs << "sample2\n";

Limitations: (comments are welcomed)

  1. I find that it is important to fflush after fprintf printing to std::ofstream, otherwise the "sample2" appears before "sample1" in the example above. I don't know if there is a better workaround for that than using fflush. Notably ofs << flush doesn't help.

  2. Cannot extract FILE* from std::stringstream, I don't even know if it is possible. (see below for an update).

  3. I still don't know how to extract C's stderr from std::cerr etc., for example to use in fprintf(stderr, "sample"), in an hypothetical code like this fprintf(cfile(std::cerr), "sample").

Regarding the last limitation, the only workaround I found is to add these overloads:

FILE* cfile(std::ostream const& os){
    if(std::ofstream const* ofsP = dynamic_cast<std::ofstream const*>(&os)) return cfile(*ofsP);
    if(&os == &std::cerr) return stderr;
    if(&os == &std::cout) return stdout;
    if(&os == &std::clog) return stderr;
    if(dynamic_cast<std::ostringstream const*>(&os) != 0){
       throw std::runtime_error("don't know cannot extract FILE pointer from std::ostringstream");
    return 0; // stream not recognized
FILE* cfile(std::istream const& is){
    if(std::ifstream const* ifsP = dynamic_cast<std::ifstream const*>(&is)) return cfile(*ifsP);
    if(&is == &std::cin) return stdin;
    if(dynamic_cast<std::ostringstream const*>(&is) != 0){
        throw std::runtime_error("don't know how to extract FILE pointer from std::istringstream");
    return 0; // stream not recognized

Attempt to handle iostringstream

It is possible to read with fscanf from istream using fmemopen, but that requires a lot of book keeping and updating the input position of the stream after each read, if one wants to combine C-reads and C++-reads. I wasn't able to convert this into a cfile function like above. (Maybe a cfile class that keeps updating after each read is the way to go).

// hack to access the protected member of istreambuf that know the current position
char* access_gptr(std::basic_streambuf<char, std::char_traits<char>>& bs){
    struct access_class : std::basic_streambuf<char, std::char_traits<char>>{
        char* access_gptr() const{return this->gptr();}
    return ((access_class*)(&bs))->access_gptr();

int main(){
    std::istringstream iss("11 22 33");
    // read the C++ way
    int j1; iss >> j1;
    std::cout << j1 << std::endl;

    // read the C way
    float j2;

    char* buf = access_gptr(*iss.rdbuf()); // get current position
    size_t buf_size = iss.rdbuf()->in_avail(); // get remaining characters
    FILE* file = fmemopen(buf, buf_size, "r"); // open buffer memory as FILE*
    fscanf(file, "%f", &j2); // finally!
    iss.rdbuf()->pubseekoff(ftell(file), iss.cur, iss.in); // update input stream position from current FILE position.

    std::cout << "j2 = " << j2 << std::endl;

    // read again the C++ way
    int j3; iss >> j3;
    std::cout << "j3 = " << j3 << std::endl;

Well, you can get the file descriptor - I forget whether the method is fd() or getfd(). The implementations I've used provide such methods, but the language standard doesn't require them, I believe - the standard shouldn't care whether your platform uses fd's for files.

From that, you can use fdopen(fd, mode) to get a FILE*.

However, I think that the mechanisms the standard requires for synching STDIN/cin, STDOUT/cout and STDERR/cerr don't have to be visible to you. So if you're using both the fstream and FILE*, buffering may mess you up.

Also, if either the fstream OR the FILE closes, they'll probably close the underlying fd, so you need to make sure you flush BOTH before closing EITHER.