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Why doesn't Haskell/GHC support record name overloading

I am a Haskell newbie. I have noticed that Haskell does not support record name overloading:

-- Records.hs

data Employee = Employee
  { firstName :: String
  , lastName :: String
  , ssn :: String
  } deriving (Show, Eq)

data Manager = Manager
  { firstName :: String
  , lastName :: String
  , ssn :: String
  , subordinates :: [Employee]
  } deriving (Show, Eq)

When I compile this I get:

[1 of 1] Compiling Main             ( Records.hs, Records.o )

    Multiple declarations of `firstName'
    Declared at: Records.hs:4:5

    Multiple declarations of `lastName'
    Declared at: Records.hs:5:5

    Multiple declarations of `ssn'
    Declared at: Records.hs:6:5

Given the "strength" of the Haskell type system, it seems like it should be easy for the compiler to determine which field to access in

emp = Employee "Joe" "Smith" "111-22-3333"
man = Manager "Mary" "Jones" "333-22-1111" [emp]
firstName man
firstName emp

Is there some issue that I am not seeing. I know that the Haskell Report does not allow this, but why not?

like image 831
Ralph Avatar asked Jun 19 '12 11:06


Video Answer

2 Answers

Historical reasons. There have been many competing designs for better record systems for Haskell -- so many in fact, that no consensus could be reached. Yet.

like image 190
Don Stewart Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 01:10

Don Stewart

The current record system is not very sophisticated. It's mostly some syntactic sugar for things you could do with boilerplate if there was no record syntax.

In particular, this:

data Employee = Employee
  { firstName :: String
  , lastName :: String
  , ssn :: String
  } deriving (Show, Eq)

generates (among other things) a function firstName :: Employee -> String.

If you also allow in the same module this type:

data Manager = Manager
  { firstName :: String
  , lastName :: String
  , ssn :: String
  , subordinates :: [Employee]
  } deriving (Show, Eq)

then what would be the type of the firstName function?

It would have to be two separate functions overloading the same name, which Haskell does not allow. Unless you imagine that this would implicitly generate a typeclass and make instances of it for everything with a field named firstName (gets messy in the general case, when the fields could have different types), then Haskell's current record system isn't going to be able to support multiple fields with the same name in the same module. Haskell doesn't even attempt to do any such thing at present.

It could, of course, be done better. But there are some tricky problems to solve, and essentially no one's come up with solutions to them that have convinced everyone that there is a most promising direction to move in yet.

like image 40
Ben Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 02:10
