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Why doesn't C++ allow two function/class templates with the same name, differing only by the type of a non-type template parameter (of integral type)?



The compiler gives an error when I try this. I tried with both VC++ and g++.

This applies equally to function templates and class templates (though for function templates the compiler error only occurs if and when the function template is instantiated; the compiler error for class template occurs immediately when the compiler encounters the second class definition).

Here is an example for a function template:

template <unsigned int>
void Foo() {}

template <signed int>    // Same name, only difference is the type of the
void Foo() {}            // non-type template parameter (of integral type)

Foo<10U>(); // COMPILER ERROR.

Above, why can't the compiler just instantiate Foo<unsigned int>()?

I found that this is not an issue if the second version of the template function/class has a type template parameter. It also is not an issue if the second version of the template function/class has or a non-type template parameter of non-integral type:

template <unsigned int>
void Foo() {}

template <unsigned int*>  // Non-type template parameter
void Foo() {}             // of non-integral type

template <typename T>     // Type template parameter
void Foo() {}

Foo<10U>();               // OK

So if I had to guess I'd say it has something to do with the fact that the compiler can convert between values of integral types? But that doesn't stop C++ from allowing two overloading functions that differ only by the type of on integral parameter.

like image 729
David Stone Avatar asked Sep 02 '18 12:09

David Stone

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1 Answers

It does allow it, you were able to write the two templates just fine. They just become unusable when instantiated. The reason is that there is no "overload resolution" to choose a template. The only requirement imposed on a non-type template argument is as follows:


A template-argument for a non-type template-parameter shall be a converted constant expression of the type of the template-parameter.

And 10u is a converted constant expression of both int and unsigned int type. Valid as an argument for either overload.

like image 89
StoryTeller - Unslander Monica Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 17:10

StoryTeller - Unslander Monica