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Difference between <queue>'s emplace and push

What are the differences between <queue>'s emplace and push?

here's explanation about the std::queue::emplace and std::queue::push .

Both methods add element after its current last element, return None.

like image 748
Dami.h Avatar asked Feb 20 '16 03:02


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What is difference between push and emplace?

While push() function inserts a copy of the value or the parameter passed to the function into the container at the top, the emplace() function constructs a new element as the value of the parameter and then adds it to the top of the container.

What is emplace in queue?

queue::emplace() is used to insert or emplace a new element in the queue container. As the functionality of the queue structure is that the element inserted to the end of the structure, to emplace() calls the emplace_back() for the successful insertion of the element at the end of the queue container.

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C++ priority_queue emplace() function is used to add a new element in priority-queue. This new element is added to the top of the priority-queue.

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stack::emplace() function is an inbuilt function in C++ STL, which is defined in <stack>header file. emplace() is used to construct and insert an element in the stack container associated with the function.

What is the difference between''emplace''and''push''methods in queue?

here's explanation about the std::queue::emplace and std::queue::push . Both methods add element after its current last element, return None. Show activity on this post. push () adds a copy of an already constructed object into the queue as a parameter, it takes an object of the queue's element type.

What is the difference between push and emplace in JavaScript?

The end result of either push or emplace is exactly, 100%, the same. The container gets another element appended to it. The difference is where the element comes from: 1) push takes an existing element, and appends a copy of it to the container. Simple, straightforward. push always takes exactly one argument, the element to copy to the container.

What is the difference between push and emplace in Swift?

The difference is where the element comes from: 1) push takes an existing element, and appends a copy of it to the container. Simple, straightforward. push always takes exactly one argument, the element to copy to the container. 2) emplace creates another instance of the class in the container, that's already appended to the container.

What is the use of emplace ()?

emplace () constructs a new object in-place at the end of the queue. It takes as parameters the parameters that the queue's element types constructor takes. If your usage pattern is one where you create a new object and add it to the container, you shortcut a few steps (creation of a temporary object and copying it) by using emplace ().

1 Answers

push() adds a copy of an already constructed object into the queue as a parameter, it takes an object of the queue's element type.

emplace() constructs a new object in-place at the end of the queue. It takes as parameters the parameters that the queue's element types constructor takes.

If your usage pattern is one where you create a new object and add it to the container, you shortcut a few steps (creation of a temporary object and copying it) by using emplace().

like image 140
Sami Sallinen Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 12:10

Sami Sallinen