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C++ iterate vector randomly

I'm working on a multithreaded program where all threads share some vector (read-only). The goal of each thread is to walk the entire vector. Nonetheless, all threads must visit this vector in a different way.

Since the vector is const and shared among all threads, i cannot use random_shuffle and just iterate over it. For now my solution is to build a crossref vector that will contain indices over the shared vector and then shuffle this vector, i.e.

     std::vector<int> crossref(SIZE) ; // SIZE is the size of the shared vector
     std::iota (std::begin(crossref), std::end(crossref), 0); // Fill with indices ref 
     std::mt19937 g(SEED); // each thread has it own seed.
     std::shuffle (crossref_.begin(), crossref_.end(), g); // Shuffle it 

Nonetheless, doing this reveal some problems (1) it is not very efficient since every thread needs to access its crossref vector before accessing the shared one, (2) i have some performances issue because of the amount of memory required : the shared vector is very big and i have a lot of thread and processors.

Does anyone has some improvement ideas that will avoid the need of extra memory?

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Esus Avatar asked Oct 13 '15 08:10


1 Answers

You can use the algebraic notion of primitive root modulo n. Basically

If n is a positive integer, the integers between 1 and n − 1 that are coprime to n form the group of primitive classes modulo n. This group is cyclic if and only if n is equal to 2, 4, p^k, or 2p^k where p^k is a power of an odd prime number

Wikipedia displays how you can generate numbers below 7 using 3 as generator.

enter image description here

From this statement you derive an algorithm.

  1. Take your number n
  2. Find the next prime number m which is bigger than n
  3. For each of your thread pick a unique random number F(0) between 2 and m
  4. Compute the next index using F(i+1) = (F(i) * F(0)) mod m. If that index is within [0, n] range, access the element. If not go towards the next index.
  5. Stop after m - 1 iterations (or when you obtain 1, it is the same thing).

Because m is prime, every number between 2 and m-1 is coprime to m so is a generator of the sequence {1 ... m}. You are guaranteed that no number will repeat in the first m - 1 steps, and that all m - 1 numbers will appear.

Complexity :

  • Step 2 : Done once, complexity equivalent to finding primes up to n, ie sieve of Eratosthenes
  • Step 3 : Done once, you can choose 2, 3 ,4, 5, etc... Which is as low as O(thread count)
  • Step 4 : O(m) time, O(1) in space per thread. You dont need to store the F(i). You only need to know first value and last value. This is the same properties as incrementation
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UmNyobe Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 05:10
