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Why doesn't array conform to Equatable, when its items are Equatable in Swift?


As of Xcode 9.3, which includes Swift 4.1, the array equality works as expected, and the code in the original question compiles without errors.

However, please see the accepted answer, because it provides a better, more modern solution.

The original question is below:

When I try to declare an instance of a generic enum with type [Post], I get an error saying

Type '[Post]' does not conform to protocol 'Equatable'

which is nonsense, because Post conforms to Equatable and I can actually compare two [Post] instances with no compilation errors?

In the following example, I extend Post and Result<T> types with Equatable and then I do a few tests:

  1. Test that I can compare two Post types: OK
  2. Test that I can compare two [Post] types: OK
  3. Test that I can compare two Result<Post> types: OK
  4. Test that I can compare two Result<[Post]> types: ERROR
import Foundation

struct Post {
    let text: String
extension Post: Equatable {}
func ==(lhs: Post, rhs: Post) -> Bool {
    return lhs.text == rhs.text

enum Result<T: Equatable> {
    case success(result: T)
    case error
extension Result: Equatable {
    static func ==(lhs: Result<T>, rhs: Result<T>) -> Bool {
        switch (lhs, rhs) {
        case let (.success(lhsVal), .success(rhsVal)):
            return lhsVal == rhsVal
        case (.error, .error):
            return true
            return false

func test() {

    // Test 1: Check Post type for equality: OK
    let post1: Post = Post(text: "post 1")
    let post2: Post = Post(text: "post 2")

    if post1 == post2 {
        print("equal posts")

    // Test 2: Check [Post] type for equality: OK
    let arrayOfPosts1: [Post] = [ post1, post2 ]
    let arrayOfPosts2: [Post] = [ post1, post2 ]

    if arrayOfPosts1 == arrayOfPosts2 {
        print("equal arrays of post")

    // Test 3: Check Result<Post> type for equality: OK
    let result1: Result<Post> = Result<Post>.success(result: post1)
    let result2: Result<Post> = Result<Post>.success(result: post2)

    if result1 == result2 {
        print("equal results of post")

    // Test 4: Check Result<[Post]> type for equality: ERROR
    // Compiler error: "Type '[Post]' does not conform to protocol 'Equatable'"
    let arrayResult1: Result<[Post]> = Result<[Post]>.success(result: arrayOfPosts1)
    let arrayResult2: Result<[Post]> = Result<[Post]>.success(result: arrayOfPosts2)

    if arrayResult1 == arrayResult2 {
        print("equal results of array of posts")
like image 459
Alex Avatar asked Jul 08 '17 17:07


People also ask

How do you conform to Equatable?

method without including a closure in each call, extend the StreetAddress type to conform to Equatable . The StreetAddress type now conforms to Equatable . You can use == to check for equality between any two instances or call the Equatable -constrained contains(_:)

Does string conform to Equatable?

When a value is changed from old value, this notifies to subscribers, so this generics type should conform to Equatable protocol. But when a type is String? , Xcode raise Type 'String?' does not conform to protocol 'Equatable' error.

What does Equatable mean in Swift?

In Swift, an Equatable is a protocol that allows two objects to be compared using the == operator. The hashValue is used to compare two instances. To use the hashValue , we first have to conform (associate) the type (struct, class, etc) to Hashable property.

What is Equatable and comparable in Swift?

When should your Swift types be equatable or comparable? “Equatable” relates to being equal, and “comparable” relates to the comparison between objects. This is important, because how can we be certain that two complex objects are the same? In many circumstances, this is something that you should decide.

2 Answers

Swift 4.1 update:

With the introduction of conditional conformance in Swift 4.1, Array now conforms to Equatable, so the issue should be resolved without the need to resort to any workarounds.

Also, Swift now allows a type to automatically synthesize Equatable conformance, provided all its members are Equatable, simply by declaring Equatable conformance as part of the original type definition (not an extension) but without implementing any of its requirements. This works for enums provided associated values, if any, are Equatable.

The code from this question can now be written much more concisely as below:

import Foundation

struct Post: Equatable {
    let text: String

enum Result<T>: Equatable where T: Equatable {
    case success(result: T)
    case error

This code will pass all the tests specified in the question:

func test() {

    // Test 1: Check Post type for equality: OK
    let post1 = Post(text: "post")
    let post2 = Post(text: "post")

    if post1 == post2 {
        print("equal posts")

    // Test 2: Check [Post] type for equality: OK
    let arrayOfPosts1 = [post1, post2]
    let arrayOfPosts2 = [post1, post2]

    if arrayOfPosts1 == arrayOfPosts2 {
        print("equal arrays of post")

    // Test 3: Check Result<Post> type for equality: OK
    let result1 = Result<Post>.success(result: post1)
    let result2 = Result<Post>.success(result: post2)

    if result1 == result2 {
        print("equal results of post")

    // Test 4: Check Result<[Post]> type for equality: OK
    let arrayResult1: Result<[Post]> = Result<[Post]>.success(result: arrayOfPosts1)
    let arrayResult2: Result<[Post]> = Result<[Post]>.success(result: arrayOfPosts2)

    if arrayResult1 == arrayResult2 {
        print("equal results of array of posts")

Here is the output:

 equal posts
 equal arrays of post
 equal results of post
 equal results of array of posts
like image 168
Khawer Khaliq Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 00:10

Khawer Khaliq

This issue totally sucks and still isn't fixed in Swift 4.

I worked around the issue by having a different type ArrayResult specifically for arrays of results, in addition to Result

public enum ArrayResult<T:Equatable> {

    case success(result: [T])
    case failure(error: Error)

extension ArrayResult: Equatable {

    public static func ==(lhs: ArrayResult<T>, rhs: ArrayResult<T>) -> Bool {
        switch (lhs) {
        case .success(let lhsResult):
            if case .success(let rhsResult) = rhs, lhsResult == rhsResult { return true }
        case .failure(let lhsError):
            // We cast associated Error to a NSError so we get Equatable behaviour
            // (Apple guarantee that Error can always be bridged to an NSError)
            if case .failure(let rhsError) = rhs, lhsError as NSError == rhsError as NSError { return true }
        return false

func test() {

    // Test 4: Check Result<[Post]> type for equality: NOW OK
    let arrayResult1: ArrayResult<Post> = ArrayResult<Post>.success(result: arrayOfPosts1)
    let arrayResult2: ArrayResult<Post> = ArrayResult<Post>.success(result: arrayOfPosts2)

    if arrayResult1 == arrayResult2 {
        print("equal results of array of posts")
like image 45
Oliver Pearmain Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 00:10

Oliver Pearmain