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Why does State need a value?




Just learning about State monad from this excellent tutorial. However, when I tried to explain it to a non-programmer they had a question that stumped me.

If the purpose of the State is to simulate mutable memory, why is the function that state monad stores is of the type:

s -> (a, s)

and not simply:

s -> s

In other words, what is the need for the "intermediate" value? For example, couldn't we, in the cases where we need it, simulate it by simply defining a state as a tuple of (state, value)?

I'm sure I confused something, any help is appreciated.

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Andriy Drozdyuk Avatar asked Jul 20 '12 16:07

Andriy Drozdyuk

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Why do we need a state?

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2 Answers

To draw a parallel with an imperative language like C, s -> s corresponds to a function with the return type void, which is invoked purely for side effects (such as mutating the memory). It is isomorphic to State s ().

And indeed, it is possible to write C functions which communicate only through global variables. But, as in C, it is often convenient to return values from functions. That's what a is for.

Of course it's possible that for your particular problem s -> s is a better choice. Although it's not a Monad, it is a Monoid (when wrapped in Endo). So you can construct such functions using <> and mempty, which correspond to >>= and return of Monad.

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Roman Cheplyaka Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 22:10

Roman Cheplyaka

To expand a bit on Nick's answer:

s is the state. If all your functions were s -> s (state to state), your functions would not be able to return any values. You could define your state as (the actual state, value returned), but that conflates the state with the value the state-ful functions are computing. And it's also the common case that you'll want functions to actually compute and return values...

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Claudiu Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 20:10
