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RankNTypes and PolyKinds

What is the difference between f1 and f2?

$ ghci -XRankNTypes -XPolyKinds
Prelude> let f1 = undefined :: (forall a        m. m a -> Int) -> Int
Prelude> let f2 = undefined :: (forall (a :: k) m. m a -> Int) -> Int
Prelude> :t f1
f1 :: (forall            (a :: k) (m :: k -> *). m a -> Int) -> Int
Prelude> :t f2
f2 :: (forall (k :: BOX) (a :: k) (m :: k -> *). m a -> Int) -> Int

Related to this question on RankNTypes and scope of forall. Example taken from the GHC user's guide on kind polymorphism.

like image 397
thomie Avatar asked Feb 27 '15 19:02


1 Answers

Let's be bloody. We must quantify everything and give the domain of quantification. Values have types; type-level things have kinds; kinds live in BOX.

f1 :: forall (k :: BOX).
      (forall (a :: k) (m :: k -> *). m a -> Int)
      -> Int

f2 :: (forall (k :: BOX) (a :: k) (m :: k -> *). m a -> Int)
      -> Int

Now, in neither example type is k quantified explicitly, so ghc is deciding where to put that forall (k :: BOX), based on whether and where k is mentioned. I am not totally sure I understand or am willing to defend the policy as stated.

Ørjan gives a good example of the difference in practice. Let's be bloody about that, too. I'll write /\ (a :: k). t to make explicit the abstraction that corresponds to forall, and f @ type for the corresponding application. The game is that we get to pick the @-ed arguments, but we have to be ready to put up with whatever /\-ed arguments the devil may choose.

We have

x :: forall (a :: *) (m :: * -> *). m a -> Int

and may accordingly discover that f1 x is really

f1 @ * (/\ (a :: *) (m :: * -> *). x @ a @ m)

However, if we try to give f2 x the same treatment, we see

f2 (/\ (k :: BOX) (a :: k) (m :: k -> *). x @ ?m0 @ ?a0)
?m0 :: *
?a0 :: * -> *
where  m a = m0 a0

The Haskell type system treats type application as purely syntactic, so the only way that equation can be solved is by identifying the functions and identifying the arguments

(?m0 :: * -> *) = (m :: k -> *)
(?a0 :: *)      = (a :: k)

but those equations are not even well kinded, because k is not free to be chosen: it's being /\-ed not @-ed.

Generally, to get to grips with these uber-polymorphic types, it's good to write out all the quantifiers and then figure out how that turns into your game against the devil. Who chooses what, and in what order. Moving a forall inside an argument type changes its chooser, and can often make the difference between victory and defeat.

like image 199
pigworker Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 11:09
