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Why does Rust bother with "let"? [closed]



I was interested in Rust, and so I started reading the Rust programming guide on the Rust website, and discovered that variables are declared in the following manner:

let x: i32 = 5;

Which means assign the value integer 5 to the variable type integer 32 bit which shall be referred to by the notation x from this point onwards.

My main question is why is the let keyword is there at all? It seems redundant, as if it doesn't actually "do" anything.

I assume the compiler would be able to tell that the following is a variable (or const variable) declaration:

x: i32 = 5;

There doesn't appear to be a reason for a let keyword, but presumably there is a smart reason because Rust is focused on safety. So what is that reason?

Edit: Addition: As function arguments, the let keyword is not required. Here is an example:

fn add1(x: i32) -> i32
    x = x + 1

This seems a bit strange - this "looks like" a pass by reference because of the missing let. But it's not. It's a pass by value. (Or at least I think it is.) Is this a syntactic inconsistency?

As an aside, I would find it a lot more logical to change this statement around and write:

i32 x = 5;

Put a colon in there if you will:

i32: x = 5;

I guess I would find that more logical because:

  • When programming you usually know what "type" of data you want before you think of a name for it.

Perhaps some think the other way around? But this brings me to another point; how can one declare a several variables of the same type in Rust? Such as:

let x, y, z: i32 = {4, 5, 5} // A guess of what this might look like?

Or is this just not allowed in Rust?

like image 936
FreelanceConsultant Avatar asked Aug 24 '15 11:08


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1 Answers

Rust has local type inference, so the type normally doesn’t need to be written; let x = 5; will suffice. x = 5; would be quite different, as it would not declare a variable x, and Rust very deliberately separates declaration and assignment.

It’s also actually let PATTERN = EXPR;, not just let IDENT = EXPR;, so removing the let keyword would cause grammatical ambiguity. A pattern could be mut x (making the variable binding mutable), it could be (a, b) signifying tuple unpacking, &c.

You only think i32 x = 5; makes sense because you’re used to languages like C++. Seriously, who came up with that idea? It makes more sense on purely philosophical grounds to have the type after the name than before, and having just the type to declare variables is silly too. All sorts of grammatical ambiguity there. Type inference, allowing you to omit the type altogether, is a much nicer approach all round.

like image 38
Chris Morgan Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 11:10

Chris Morgan