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why does "request body" have a red background in fiddler?



Why is my local Fiddler app displaying a red background for the Composer "Request Body"?

Here's the text I'm using: {'count':'2', 'since_id':'14927799'}

This appears to look like a standard js object to pass as parameters for a service call.

Why does Fiddler display "Request Body" with a red background when I paste in the text I'm using above. I'm guessing Fiddler is saying that the Request Body is invalid. If so then what am I missing here? I'm used to calling services directly through jQuery.....

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random512 Avatar asked Nov 18 '12 04:11


1 Answers

Fiddler's Composer will show the body background in red if it contains text but the request method is not one that carries a body (POST, PUT, etc).

like image 148
EricLaw Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 05:10
