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Inspect SignalR Message with Fiddler

I am trying to use Fiddler to see the message format for a chat app using SignalR. But nothing is appearing in Fiddler when I send a message to the hub or receive one back. I am assuming I have to configure something in order to see these messages. Fiddler is picking up when I refresh the page and connect but nothing else appears. The purpose is so I can get the correct message format when using SignalR-Objc

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walsh06 Avatar asked Jun 26 '13 08:06


1 Answers

  1. Turn Streaming on in Fiddler.
  2. If your SignalR transport is WebSockets requests may take a few seconds to come through while fiddler is on.

Update: Also note there is no way to view webSocket messages in Fiddler (that I know of) so you can view that data either by Chrome's developer tools (network tab) or by forcing a different SignalR transport.

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N. Taylor Mullen Avatar answered Jan 03 '23 10:01

N. Taylor Mullen