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Fiddler: blocking (filtering out) a specific page



I want to filter out a specific page from showing up in the sessions list. I'm not talking about filtering out entire domains/ hosts (using the filters tab) nor am I talking about actually blocking the page from loading (which can be done with an extension) - I just don't want to SEE this page in the sessions list. 10x.

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user1263416 Avatar asked Mar 12 '12 06:03


2 Answers

Rules > Customize Rules. Scroll to OnBeforeRequest. Add the following block:

if (oSession.fullUrl == "http://whatever/whatever"){
  oSession["ui-hide"] = "do not want to see";
like image 160
EricLaw Avatar answered Jan 04 '23 11:01


I use this at the beginning of my OnBeforeRequest function. It's a little more sophisticated - not only does it filter out the rows for the specified page, it also filters out rows for any requests generated by the filtered page.

function RequestContains (uri:String) {
    return oSession.uriContains(uri) || oSession.oRequest.headers.ExistsAndContains("Referer", uri);
if (
    ||  RequestContains("url1.aspx")
    ||  RequestContains("url2.aspx")
    ||  RequestContains("url3.aspx")
    ||  RequestContains("url4.aspx")
    ||  RequestContains("url5.aspx")
    ||  RequestContains("service1.svc")
    oSession["ui-hide"] = "true";

I put the false at the beginning of the if-block so that I can easily and safely comment out any of the RequestContains lines if I temporarily need to see those requests.

I'd love to somehow get this pattern into a UI extension to the Filters tab, where I could manage a list of these URLs without having to edit the FiddlerScript. Anyone know how to do that from within the FiddlerScript code itself?

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korisu Avatar answered Jan 04 '23 10:01
