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Why does Qt use its own make tool, qmake?

I just started using Qt and noticed that it uses its own make tool, qmake.

  • Why does Qt use its own make tool?
  • Is there something special that prevents it from using a standard make tool?
  • Does qmake call the GCC C++ compiler?
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Trevor Boyd Smith Avatar asked Sep 02 '09 15:09

Trevor Boyd Smith

People also ask

Does qmake come with Qt?

qmake was created by Trolltech (now The Qt Company). It is distributed and integrated with the Qt application framework, and automates the creation of moc (meta object compiler) and rcc (resource compiler) sources, which are used in Qt's meta-object system and in the integration of binary resources (e.g., pictures).

What is qmake Qt?

The qmake tool helps simplify the build process for development projects across different platforms. It automates the generation of Makefiles so that only a few lines of information are needed to create each Makefile. You can use qmake for any software project, whether it is written with Qt or not.

What does run qmake do?

The behavior of qmake can be customized when it is run by specifying various options on the command line. These allow the build process to be fine-tuned, provide useful diagnostic information, and can be used to specify the target platform for your project.

What is qmake and CMake?

CMake is an alternative to qmake for automating the generation of build configurations. Setting Up Qbs. Qbs is an all-in-one build tool that generates a build graph from a high-level project description (like qmake or CMake do) and executes the commands in the low-level build graph (like make does).

1 Answers

Qt uses qmake to transparently support Qt's various addons, including "moc, the meta-object compiler" (which provides signals & slots), "uic, the ui compiler" (which creates header files from .ui designer files), "rcc, the resource compiler" (which compiles resources).

There's nothing to stop you using any build system you want. however, it's a lot more work. For example, you need to run "moc" over every header file that contains a class that has signals or slots. In general it's not recommended, especially for someone who's just starting to use Qt.

QMake does not call g++/gcc directly. Instead, qmake creates native make files on your current platform. Under linux it creates standard GNU make files, under windows it can generate visual studio make files, under Mac OS X it can generate XCode project files. You then invoke your native build system (either GNU make, or MS NMake, or xcodebuild or whatever), which will call your native compiler (g++/gcc or whatever).

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Thomi Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 18:09
