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Why does Python return [15] for [0xfor x in (1, 2, 3)]? [duplicate]

When running the following line:

>>> [0xfor x in (1, 2, 3)] 

I expected Python to return an error.

Instead, the REPL returns:


What can possibly be the reason?

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Yam Mesicka Avatar asked Apr 13 '21 22:04

Yam Mesicka

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Python functions are not restricted to having a single return statement. If a given function has more than one return statement, then the first one encountered will determine the end of the function’s execution and also its return value.

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So, if you don’t explicitly use a return value in a return statement, or if you totally omit the return statement, then Python will implicitly return a default value for you. That default return value will always be None. Say you’re writing a function that adds 1 to a number x, but you forget to supply a return statement.

1 Answers


Python reads the expression as [0xf or (x in (1, 2, 3))], because:

  1. The Python tokenizer.
  2. Operator precedence.

It never raises NameError thanks to short-circuit evaluation - if the expression left to the or operator is a truthy value, Python will never try to evaluate the right side of it.

Parsing hexadecimal numbers

First, we have to understand how Python reads hexadecimal numbers.

On tokenizer.c's huge tok_get function, we:

  1. Find the first 0x.
  2. Keep reading the next characters as long as they're in the range of 0-f.

The parsed token, 0xf (as "o" is not in the range of 0-f), will eventually get passed to the PEG parser, which will convert it to the decimal value 15 (see Appendix A).

We still have to parse the rest of the code, or x in (1, 2, 3)], which leaves as with the following code:

[15 or x in (1, 2, 3)] 

Operator precedence

Because in have higher operator precedence than or, we might expect x in (1, 2, 3) to evaluate first.

That is troublesome situation, as x doesn't exist and will raise a NameError.

or is lazy

Fortunately, Python supports Short-circuit evaluation as or is a lazy operator: if the left operand is equivalent to True, Python won't bother evaluating the right operand.

We can see it using the ast module:

parsed = ast.parse('0xfor x in (1, 2, 3)', mode='eval') ast.dump(parsed) 


     Expression(         body=BoolOp(             op=Or(),             values=[                 Constant(value=15),   # <-- Truthy value, so the next operand won't be evaluated.                 Compare(                     left=Name(id='x', ctx=Load()),                     ops=[In()],                     comparators=[                         Tuple(elts=[Constant(value=1), Constant(value=2), Constant(value=3)], ctx=Load())                     ]                 )             ]         )     )  

So the final expression is equal to [15].

Appendix A: The PEG parser

On pegen.c's parsenumber_raw function, we can find how Python treats leading zeros:

    if (s[0] == '0') {         x = (long)PyOS_strtoul(s, (char **)&end, 0);         if (x < 0 && errno == 0) {             return PyLong_FromString(s, (char **)0, 0);         }     } 

PyOS_strtoul is in Python/mystrtoul.c.

Inside mystrtoul.c, the parser looks at one character after the 0x. If it's an hexadecimal character, Python sets the base of the number to be 16:

            if (*str == 'x' || *str == 'X') {                 /* there must be at least one digit after 0x */                 if (_PyLong_DigitValue[Py_CHARMASK(str[1])] >= 16) {                     if (ptr)                         *ptr = (char *)str;                     return 0;                 }                 ++str;                 base = 16;             } ... 

Then it parses the rest of the number as long as the characters are in the range of 0-f:

    while ((c = _PyLong_DigitValue[Py_CHARMASK(*str)]) < base) {         if (ovlimit > 0) /* no overflow check required */             result = result * base + c;         ...         ++str;         --ovlimit;     } 

Eventually, it sets the pointer to point the last character that was scanned - which is one character past the last hexadecimal character:

    if (ptr)         *ptr = (char *)str; 


  • CSI_Tech_Dept from reddit for referring me to the correct section in the tokenizer.c file.
  • The original Tweet.
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Yam Mesicka Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 08:09

Yam Mesicka