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Why does libc++'s implementation of map use this union?

#if __cplusplus >= 201103L

template <class _Key, class _Tp>
union __value_type
    typedef _Key                                     key_type;
    typedef _Tp                                      mapped_type;
    typedef pair<const key_type, mapped_type>        value_type;
    typedef pair<key_type, mapped_type>              __nc_value_type;

    value_type __cc;
    __nc_value_type __nc;

    template <class ..._Args>
    __value_type(_Args&& ...__args)
        : __cc(std::forward<_Args>(__args)...) {}

    __value_type(const __value_type& __v)
        : __cc(__v.__cc) {}

    __value_type(__value_type& __v)
        : __cc(__v.__cc) {}

    __value_type(__value_type&& __v)
        : __nc(std::move(__v.__nc)) {}

    __value_type& operator=(const __value_type& __v)
        {__nc = __v.__cc; return *this;}

    __value_type& operator=(__value_type&& __v)
        {__nc = std::move(__v.__nc); return *this;}

    ~__value_type() {__cc.~value_type();}

// definition for C++03...

It looks like the purpose is to make __value_type assignable and movable while also being able to expose the content as pair<const key_type, mapped_type> (which is the value type of iterators and so on). But I don't see why it needs to be assignable or movable, since I can't see any reason why the implementation would ever need to copy or move nodes inside a map, or indeed to do anything other than construct and destroy them in-place, and reconfigure pointers.

like image 774
Brian Bi Avatar asked Jul 25 '15 05:07

Brian Bi

2 Answers

This is in support of Potatoswatter's answer. I answer as the author of this libc++ code.


    std::map<A, int> m1;
    m1[A{1}] = 1;
    m1[A{2}] = 2;
    m1[A{3}] = 3;
    std::map<A, int> m2;
    m2[A{4}] = 4;
    m2[A{5}] = 5;
    m2[A{6}] = 6;
    std::cout << "start copy assignment\n";
    m2 = m1;
    std::cout << "end copy assignment\n";

In this particular circumstance I foresaw the need to both recycle nodes of the map, and reassign the "const" keys to make the recycling of nodes efficient. Therefore


inserted the following wording to allow for recycling of map nodes:

The associative containers meet all of the requirements of Allocator-aware containers (23.2.1 [container.requirements.general]), except for the containers map and multimap, the requirements placed on value_type in Table 93 apply instead directly to key_type and mapped_type. [Note: For example key_type and mapped_type are sometimes required to be CopyAssignable even though the value_type (pair) is not CopyAssignable. — end note]

Thus allowing the containers non-const access to the map's key_type. To date, only libc++ takes advantage of this. If you instrument A in the above example you will get for libc++:

start copy assignment
operator=(const A& a)
operator=(const A& a)
operator=(const A& a)
end copy assignment

For libstdc++ (gcc-5.2.0)

start copy assignment
A(A const& a)
A(A const& a)
A(A const& a)
end copy assignment

For VS-2015:

start copy assignment
A(A const& a)
A(A const& a)
A(A const& a)
end copy assignment

I assert that when A is a type such as int, std::vector or std::string, or a type containing one of these common std types, there is a tremendous performance advantage of assignment over destruction followed by construction. Assignment can take advantage of existing capacity in the lhs, often resulting in a simple memcpy as opposed to a deallocation of memory followed by an allocation of memory.

Note that above ~A() likely implies deallocation of the entire node, not just A (though not necessarily). In any event, the libc++ map copy assignment operator is highly optimized to recycle memory, and permission for that optimization is backed by the C++11 and beyond standards. The union trick is one (not necessarily portable) way of achieving that optimization.

A similar optimization is obtained by this same code for the move assignment operator when the allocator does not propagate on move assignment and the two allocators compare unequal:


start move assignment
operator=(A&& a)
operator=(A&& a)
operator=(A&& a)
end move assignment


start move assignment
A(A const& a)
A(A const& a)
A(A const& a)
end move assignment


start move assignment
A(A const& a)
A(A const& a)
A(A const& a)
end move assignment
like image 126
Howard Hinnant Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 23:09

Howard Hinnant

When you use a custom allocator, it may be necessary to move the map (and its contents) into a new resource pool. In that case, this overload will provide movable access to the keys:

__value_type(__value_type&& __v)
    : __nc(std::move(__v.__nc)) {}

It doesn't matter that keys have been moved-from, since the next thing that happens is freeing all the nodes.

Note, this usage may incur undefined behavior. You can't generally write one member of a union and then read another. Clang and libc++ can do this as long as they can internally guarantee it won't cause a problem (or error diagnosis).

They probably did it this way, though, because there is no good conforming alternative. At least, I can't think of one. The standard requires that value_type::first_type is genuinely const qualified, so even a const_cast is not allowed.

The trick is conforming in the case that key_type and mapped_type are both standard layout, so that std::pair<key_type, mapped_type> and std::pair<key_type const, mapped_type> are layout-compatible, per [class.mem] §9.2/16. It looks a bit odd here because the function is referring to the immediate members __cc and __nc of the union, leaving it to the constructor to access the common subsequence comprising first and second. The requirements for standard-layout types are somewhat restrictive, but many common key and value types (for example, std::string) can potentially meet them.

like image 20
Potatoswatter Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 23:09
