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Why does COM Interop treat a VB6 Boolean as C# Short?

I have a legacy VB6 application that has the following structure defined:

Public Type DrawDown
    Date As Date
    Amount As Currency
    CapitaliseInterest As Boolean
End Type

An interop assembly is generated using tlbimp.exe but the structure ends up as the following:

[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 4)]
public struct DrawDown
    public DateTime Date;
    public decimal Amount;
    public short CapitaliseInterest;

I'm using .NET 4.0.

Why does the VB6 Boolean get translated to a C# short instead of a bool?

like image 848
John Mills Avatar asked Nov 29 '22 09:11

John Mills

2 Answers

VB6 uses the VARIANT_BOOL type,

find info and history about it here: BOOL vs. VARIANT_BOOL vs. BOOLEAN vs. boo

Off to the side came VARIANT_BOOL.

typedef short VARIANT_BOOL; define VARIANT_TRUE ((VARIANT_BOOL)-1) define VARIANT_FALSE ((VARIANT_BOOL)0) This was developed by the Visual Basic folks. Basic uses -1 to represent "true" and 0 to represent "false", and VARIANT_BOOL was designed to preserve this behavior.

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Davide Piras Avatar answered Dec 06 '22 14:12

Davide Piras

Because it is one.

VB6 bools are 16-bit values where 0 is false and any non-zero is true, but something set to true is set to -1 (0xFFFF). This way a lot of combinations of bools with numbers works well with VB6 because x AND TRUE gives x, x OR FALSE gives x, x AND FALSE gives FALSE and so on, with the same logic for bit-wise and boolean operators. Unfortunately it also means that 4 AND 2 is false despite that being TrueThing AND OtherTrueThing, so cautious VB6 coders didn't over-rely upon this, but used CBool to force the value to be either 0 or -1.

In general we have the choice of using natural machine size for the machine-processing speed versus using a single byte as it's the smallest addressable unit and hence gives a size advantage. Back when the natural-size on 16-bit machines was, well 16-bits of course, the balance went more in favour of going for the natural size than today when we've 32-bit and 64-bit machines. Visual Basic 1.0 ran on DOS and Windows 3.0 which could run on Intel 80286 16-bit processors, so it's not that strange a choice.

In the COM world, we have VARIANT_BOOL, which is just another way of saying "a bool, done the way VB6 does them", to allow for compatibility across langauges. The closest thing in C# would be either short or ushort, and if we cared only about C# we could pick either. Firstly though, we tend to use signed more than unsigned values, which would lean us toward short, but also ushort is not a CLS-compliant type, and there's hardly any point introducing an incompatibility with other .NET languages in obtaining compatibility with COM! Hence short is the clear choice.

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Jon Hanna Avatar answered Dec 06 '22 13:12

Jon Hanna