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Why does Chrome Dev Tool show a dates __proto__ as Invalid Date?

I know __proto__ is deprecated (or not part of the standard) and all that but I'm still curious as to what it means when it says Invalid Date when I look at the __proto__ value of..

var myDate = new Date(1331869050000); 
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Shane Courtrille Avatar asked Mar 15 '12 17:03

Shane Courtrille

2 Answers

"I'm still curious as to what it means when it says Invalid Date"

That's simply the toString value of the prototype object of the Date constructor function.

Date.prototype.toString(); // "Invalid Date" 

You can override it if you like...

Date.prototype.toString = function() { return "I like turtles." };  var myDate = new Date(1331869050000); myDate.__proto__; // I like turtles. 

A little off topic, but __proto__ is in the current working draft for the next version of ECMAScript, codename Harmony.


  • Added section B.3.1 with specifies __proto__ feature.
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2 revsuser1106925 Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 15:10

2 revsuser1106925

considering you made a new Date object, I wouldn't worry about it. The reason being, if you try this code:

var myDate = new Date(1331869050000); alert(typeof myDate.getMonth != 'undefined')    //true 

This will determine that you are inheriting the Date objects methods and that in fact, Date IS defined.

If you would like further investigation, take a look at this post.

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Ben Sewards Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 14:10

Ben Sewards