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Image resizing in React Native

I am trying to resize an image (smaller to fit screen) in my react native app but am unable to do it as it is too big.

Here is the code:

'use strict';  var React = require('react-native'); var {   StyleSheet,   Text,   TextInput,   View,   TouchableHighlight,   ActivityIndicatorIOS,   Image,   Component } = React;  var styles = StyleSheet.create({   description: {     marginBottom: 20,     fontSize: 18,     textAlign: 'center',     color: '#656565'   },   container: {     padding: 30,     marginTop: 65,     alignItems: 'center'   },   flowRight: {     flexDirection: 'row',     alignItems: 'center',     alignSelf: 'stretch'   },   buttonText: {     fontSize: 18,     color: 'white',     alignSelf: 'center'   },   button: {     height: 36,     flex: 1,     flexDirection: 'row',     backgroundColor: '#48BBEC',     borderColor: '#48BBEC',     borderWidth: 1,     borderRadius: 8,     marginBottom: 10,     alignSelf: 'stretch',     justifyContent: 'center'   },   searchInput: {     height: 36,     padding: 4,     marginRight: 5,     flex: 4,     fontSize: 18,     borderWidth: 1,     borderColor: '#48BBEC',     borderRadius: 8,     color: '#48BBEC'   },   image: {     width: 200,     height: 220   }, });  class SearchPage extends Component {   render() {     return (       <View style={styles.container}>          <Image source={require('image!rclogo')} style={styles.image}/>          <Text style={styles.description}>           Search for RCers!         </Text>          <Text style={styles.description}>           Search         </Text>          <View style={styles.flowRight}>           <TextInput             style={styles.searchInput}             placeholder='Search by Batch, Name, Interest...'/>           <TouchableHighlight style={styles.button}               underlayColor='#99d9f4'>             <Text style={styles.buttonText}>Go</Text>           </TouchableHighlight>         </View>          <TouchableHighlight style={styles.button}             underlayColor='#99d9f4'>           <Text style={styles.buttonText}>Location</Text>         </TouchableHighlight>        </View>     );   } }  

I tried to take it out of the container tag but cannot seem to understand why it will not render properly?

Can this be done with flexbox resizeMode? How do you do it? I can't find any docs on it...

like image 784
rahul2001 Avatar asked Apr 06 '15 17:04


1 Answers

image auto fix the View

image: {     flex: 1,     width: null,     height: null,     resizeMode: 'contain' } 
like image 50
shixukai Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 05:10
