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angularjs newline filter with no other html

I'm trying to convert newline characters (\n) to html br's.
As per this discussion in the Google Group, here's what I've got:

myApp.filter('newlines', function () {     return function(text) {         return text.replace(/\n/g, '<br/>');     } }); 

The discussion there also advises to use the following in the view:

{{ dataFromModel | newline | html }} 

This seems to be using the old html filter, whereas now we're supposed to use the ng-bind-html attribute.

Regardless, this poses a problem: I don't want any HTML from the original string (dataFromModel) to be rendered as HTML; only the br's.

For example, given the following string:

While 7 > 5
I still don't want html & stuff in here...

I'd want it to output:

While 7 &gt; 5<br>I still don't want html &amp; stuff in here... 

Is there any way to accomplish this?

like image 858
MegaHit Avatar asked Dec 20 '12 03:12


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1 Answers

Maybe you can achieve this only with html, a <preformated text> way ? It will avoid from using filters or do any kind of processing.

All you have to do is display the text within an element that has this CSS:

<p style="white-space: pre;">{{ MyMultiLineText}}</p> 

This will parse and display \n as new lines. Works great for me.

Here, a jsFiddle example.

like image 101
Devin Spikowski Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 00:09

Devin Spikowski